Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, November 30, 2009

last day of the month

i guess tis wil b the last post for the month n meaning tis month is d least no of post that i posted on my blog. not that i takde time but my condition require me to rest n melepek je kt umah. tgk tv. raya haji juz passed. wishing evry muslim selamat hari raya aidiladha. we went back to klg on thurs nite. tp sat nite dh blk our hse. nk rest kt umah on sunday. tp sat n sun i a bit kesian. i wek..wek..muntah smp ade color brown kuar. tak tau tu blood ke tak tp i am worried k. hopefully n insya-Allah takde pape. hubby ckp mayb satu sbb throat i dh luke sbb bnyk kali wek2. satu sbb lg mayb sirap yg i minum kt uptown semlm. kemain merah lg color die. smp cam ade stain kt gigi i. hehe.

my baby today dh 9 weeks. meaning dh nk msuk 3 bulan. borak ngan hubby kire2 6 bulan lg nk deliver. tak decide mane lg sebenarnye tp skang dh ade 2 tmpt dlm my mind. 2day wil find some info on the places.

btw,told my boss already that i am preggie. hehe. rs lega sket. he juz pesan sabar n take a lot of rest. he also congratulate me. hehe. i mula2 takut gak tp i kene bg tau kt die kn. coz i report to him. thnx anyway.

another great news. ape yg i ckp sumthing big is on d way yg i cite i dh sign tu. jeng jeng jeng. iaitu kereta saya. vivalicious which is in white color. sgt tatek..hehe..i mean cantek la. tp x sempat snap2 pic. nnt dh dpt i post it k. k la. i nk g lunch break. kang ade time i smbung blk. bye.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

mid of the month

the last post was on 6th and toda it is 14th of the month of november already. sekejap je rasa. tau2 i dh 2 weeks pun bekeja di rhbim. hehe... so far alhamdulillah i boleh cope la. cume sometimes ade attitude ofis mate yg menjengkelkan. [learned the word from hubby] my baby is 7 weeks already. actually i already register myself in the pregnancy community called www.babycentre.com.my basically banyak jgk info i get from this web site from the food, taking care during pregnancy, vitamins and supplement needed and lots more. i even shared some of the info with my dearest hubby. n know wat hubby i sgt chommel. die almost every nite b4 go to sleep die akan talk with the baby. hehehe... pastu kalo i cam ade sickness or loya2 die ckp kat baby "Jangan kaco mummy at work k" hehehe... bile i tgk his behaviour i senyum and gelak sengsorang. how thankful and happy and glad i am... REALLY REALLY glad okay. this morning i woke up then i hugged my hubby kiss kiss die ckp i am soooo happy and he is mine and i am his. so lovely. =)

sumthing sweet to be shared. on thursday i wasnt feeling good to eat. so he cooked tis fish dish for me. asam fish. no name yet to be given. he upgraded it from his mum and dad recipe. hehehe.. thanks a lot dear. really appreciate it. love u so much.

n today saturday. i dh signed and insya-Allah it is coming soon okay. lets wait til next week. adios amigos.

p/s: ysterday i watched spread acted by ashton kutcher. alamak comelnye and hensemnye die. tapi cite tu dirty sket i mean. free sex la. btw, enjoyed the show.

Friday, November 6, 2009

first day at RHBIM

i've started my work on 2nd nov. and no lies i do feel nervous. to be seeing new people, how is the work flow, n politics of course. btw, wishing for the best here. i woke up quite early. feeling excitedly. roughly dlm 730 dh kuar umah. sampaidlm 820am. pretty early. got my parking. pastu breakfast ngan kak maziah before being introduced to the team. well, pretty nice people la so far i dh keje sane. keje pun okaylah. bleh paham. hehehe..makan so far okay. cume ade time tu i loya2 nak wek..wekk.. siap beli asam nak bagi tekak sedap. my place okay pretty big tapi peli sket sebab die takde cubicle. just meja and i bertentang ngan orang depan. cam pelik sket tapi must get used to it. boss kate nk renovate tempat tu. furniture baru, carpet baru, lampu baru. takpe asalkan selesa bekerja kan. okaylah selamat bekerja di tempat baru.

i'm pregnant

omg.. cam tak percaya kan that is wat is really really really happening..alhamdulillah.. simptoms: period was late, a bit cramped around tummy n breasts, gets tired in a short while and alwiz feeling so hungry. so on the 31st october, dad in law called his doctor and told me to go and see her. so the nxt day we went together. masuk2 je bilik doctor, i kena trus wat urine test tapi i dh squad squad tapi tak nak shi shi. so doctor said go n drink first then come back. so i pun minum la almost half botol air pastu rasa nk shi shi dh mai. tunggu tunggu test result, doctor panggil. "congratulations" "sudah ade" i plak haa.. ape dh ade.. wah tersenyum2 suke. muka hubby time tu memang happy giler and i wonder wat does he feel at that time. he said rasa nk nangis tapi takleh nak nangis. suddenly rasa so lapang kat dada n mind rasa soo peaceful. kejadian ciptaan Ilahi. sangat menakjubkan. lepas tu session calling calling family. they seems to be happy as well. n thanx all for ur support.

~ a new venture of life is beginning with dearest husband ~

... Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, berikanlah aku kekuatan dan ketabahan dalam melalui tempoh mengandung ini. Semoga kesihatan yang baik diberikan kepada ku dan bayi dlm kandungan. Aku juga memohon semoga selamat dalam melahirkan anak dan juga mudah. Aminn ...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

so many things to say in one post

but today is my birthday. i will share with you all about it ok..
3rd november 1983. now i am 26 years old.
semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki.