Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010

last day of the 3rd qtr for year 2010

wow! wat a title for tis cute lil post. well..it's been quite sumtime since i last blog in my cute lil blog. i mean with a very or should i say pretty long words to type out. haha.. talking bout the topic guess ppl will know that it is 30th sep today. life goes on and on. n now my son is already 3 months old. hehe..~happy birthday to chitom~

to be continue

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

chitom can laugh

woohoo...it's true la. last nite chtom laughed. ade bunyi yg sgt lemak. i n husband were there to hear it for ourselves and we are so happy of wat our baby can do now. so cute. hehe.. rasa geram sgt bile dgr suara die. rasa so chommel. nyum2. budak comel ni. i blum upload gambar raya eh. wil do so asap la. chow!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ku ingin jadi bidadarimu

every married woman i believe would like to be their husband's beloved wifey, lover, sweetheart, darling, partner, honey and more without having to share with others in this world or the life everafter. this include myself. but sometimes the reality is not as sweet as what we want it to be. but of course as a slave to God, we should be thankful of what we get and what we have. n not forgetting to ask for more in our prayers. insya-Allah, every human's doa will be heard by Allah.

recap from a magazine

" seorang isteri yang solehah kepada seorang suami akan kekal menjadi ratunya di syurga di samping bidadari "

end of today's post. give me thousand meanings. smiling away listening to songs to encounter all those jealousy in mind.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Salam Aidilfitri

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

Maaf Zahir Batin.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Purchasing online

yaay to me and husband. kitorang wat 1st online transaction successful. rasa happy sgt. i purchase storage bags and hubby bought chitom's bag. lps ni bole try lagi kan. hehe..

Monday, September 6, 2010

baby saya meragam

hhmm..baby saya hari ni banyak nangis. kasi nyek pun tak nak. hisap milk i rasa cam sket je.tapi i ade la express my milk for storage. i ade worried la. sumtimes wondering why die nangis. sakit perut ke, demam ke, sakit kat mane2 ke ie tangan, kaki or die kembung, or die ngantuk. tapi ape2 pun mummy doa baby saye sihat adanya, panjang umur and murah rezeki. mummy risau tau chitom bnyk nangis. mummy tak suka. tapi i tau tu semua lumrah kehidupan for a mother and practically parent.

skang die tgh tido. wishing for a better tomoro.

love baby zafran so much! nite sayang mummy!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

mummy's 1st day at work

yup..boring kena tinggal my precious chitom...

husband saya kluar ngan kawan2 die.. [kata die la]

saya dah nak tido..
