Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, March 19, 2011

new blog design

hehee... thanx to my cute hubby for intrducing the new designs in blogs. well kind of like it. check out the new design tapi i nk kena edit fonts fonts tu sbb nmpk tak clear la. but i like abstract. hahaha... suke la sy. sayonara!

Monday, March 14, 2011

holiday at penang

finallybeen to penang.. woohoo.. tapi anak saya tak berapa sihat. actually die that day demam dh. think so nk tumbuh gigi. time tu thursday. plus ade plak flu. cian die. pastu our short planned holiday tu nk pegi hari sabtu balik monday. tapi sebab husband saya tetiba dpt phone call ade inteviu on monday morning, plans pon berubah. so dah tarik hols tu on friday. so call call check ngan hotel Bayview International Resort and they said ok can change. just that we will check in lambat la. so lucky hari friday. official ofis hours finishes at 5pm. pack2 then trus chow. hubby kat umah do some other packing. mmg kelam kabut sket la. hehe.. tp ade jgk rasa seronok. sumer brg ade. tak ketinggalan ubat ubatan machitom. tgh drive balik, jln jam truk sket after tol klang. mummy dh fed up. cilok sane cilok sini sket. akhirnye smp gak ard 6. sambung pack. mandi2 load brg dlm keta salam2 then around 645 pm bertolak. cpt kan. hahaha.. cam lipas kudung. we took naza not honda. selesa la. so machitom pun bole tido kat belakang. hubby brought bantal. first stop kat area hhmmm mane eh.. b4 damansara. stop by semayang maghrib and tapau dinner. as usual mcd menjadi pilihan. hehe.. i seperti biase big mac la. air ribena.

on the way to penang, hari hujan renyai2. drizzling la. i thin smp we reach the next stop @Sg Perak pun stil drizling. keta pun bole tahan bnyk sbb cuti sekola pun dh bermula. i after dinner sleep kejap ngan machitom pastu teman hubby borak2. temperature die cam dh naik sket. buat hati mummy lagi worried. wishing and praying he is fine. chomel mummy ni. agak2 smp jambatan pulau pinang tu seronok tau. sbb 1st time lalu. panjang la. tp mlm tak nmpk sgt laut. hubby ckp bile siang nnt lagi best kalo lalu atas jambatan. nmpk laut kiri kanan. best tau. so alhamdulillah we all smp town jalan2 tgk town then smp hotel bout 1 am. checked in and masuk bilik tiba2 terdiam sekejap. tgk bilik die eh betul ke ni standard room. katil die kemain besar. combine 2 single beds become king bed. we also requested for a baby cot. zafran d bangun. n die pun nmpk excited. menjerit jerit die bile i letak atas katil. he seems ok and i'm glad. husband pun suke. hehehe.. agak2 clean up then bum tido to rest sbb dari ptg tadi tak rest kan. hubby pun wat record tido 3 jam je previously. tapi takpe katil and tilam empuk badan pun terasa rest.

tbc-in penang itself.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

holiday at segamat

we kikut family in law balik segamat after the banjir the other day. well.. sane quite hot and i enjoyed myself. makan burger segamat, makan mee malek. nyum! nyum! zafran terminum air milo ais k. i sedut. ishh anak mummy ni. ade time tu we pegi kaki gunung ledang. duduk kat waterfall. air die quite sejuk. here some of the photos of us there.

Friday, March 4, 2011

day of shopping

the last 2 weekends we went for shopping shopping. yaay! dh lame tak membeli. rasa syok coz the power of buying is in your hand. hahaha....tapi ye la kena berwaspada so tak spend melampau lampau plak. hehehe.. bought baju for myself, hubby and of course lil machitom. hehe.. ade mkn kt kfc then. happy sgt. lalalala....