Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sudah bulan baru

semenjak amik package internet ni almost everyday nk log in to my blog tp kan yg peliknye y i bole type title je? content of the blog takleh nak type. y ar y ar? btw tu la kena update cecepat or else nnt i lupa ape yg i nak blog sbb sumtimes topic tu too general. btol tak?

well now dh bulan july. same ngan my title.. as usual i'll be busy with month end closing..n hopefully nothing is wrong.. as far as wat i'm concerned la. hehe. =)

today 5th july i cuti. my father in law discharge from hospital. alhamdulillah. n my mother kena tgk my sister yg tgh dlm pantang. hubby said.. lets be rational. so takpela. i amik cuti.. nnt bile situation dh ok.. tok mak jaga zafran plak k. love u all my familia.. hehehe...

btw just finish cooking bubur for chitom. i letak keledek je. carrot dh hbs kot. takpela.. tu pun should be ok.. juz food zafran a lil bit limited sbb blom ade gigi. si comel i tu.. geram je bile ckp psl die. rasa nk kunyah2 pipi die bile die syebel2.. cam daddy la awak ni. hahahaha...