Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Got more things to share

But i dont have d time yet but still baru 3.33pm. Y d time moves so slow?

Mubarak bin Abdul Hamid

Perginya bapa kepada suamiku dan juga bapa mertuaku menghadap seruan Illahi. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman.

Sedih eventhough got to live with him baru dlm 3 years. He's being fussy tapi kind at heart. Lagi sad my son td ckp "atok, atok"

D pic with my 2 kids..

Monday, September 17, 2012

happy malaysia day

Public hols for us. Weehoo!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

zara got new dress

Orangy n polkadots with vest. Tok mak bought for her. Thank u. Tp pastu dh beyak so kena la tukar baju lain blk.

I got sore throat

Mcm nk kena cough pun ade.. :(
Bucuk saye pun same. Yang we want a vacation.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Maxis payment

Just done paying. Supposed byr awal sket tp sbb ngantuk sgt tido je la. Ni pun bgn sbb chitom nk susu. Abam. Haha.. K la. Nk smbung sleep. Hubby is outstation til saturday. Kind of missing him here. Wish him in good condition. Love him, abam n lala.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

wedding photo

i just browsing some of my photos. wedding photos. feel like crying. remembering those moments. moments i am getting married. the stories behind all of it. banyak nye nak cite. tapi i ingat la. sbb thanx to my blog. i write n write whenever i feel like writing. to be read in d future. when i'm old. hahaha.. :)

a lil privacy on sunday evening

raya is almost over. bout 1 week lagi habis la. yesterday my SIL ade wat open houz. so we went la. n yesterday as well my dotter's immunization. die ade feverish sket. gave her medication n hope she will get well soon. cian lil zara mummy. abang now looked like dah recover sket. today bagi madu je. ubat flu tak bagi. my husband pg jumpa his fren. ade meeting katanye. apa2 pun feelings yg i ade skang ni biarlah.. malas nak layan. i dah period balik. quite like lupa how does period pain feel like. dah setahun baru period balik. so a bit like takde mood. pastu today body i like aching. and i rasa nak muntah pun ade. tadi pagi pening. take a nap balik. bangun kul 130 and rs ok sket. mandi and syampoo my hair.wooshh! wat happen to me?

tapi bila i tgk my kids (abang+lala) i rasa happy sangat. sangat happy! si chommel mummy ni. wish them baik2 belaka. love u 2. and bila i dh masuk topic my kids i will never stop talking. now i started calling zafran abang tapi his version la.. "abam" hehehe.. abam yang comel. asik nak bully adik je. adik mummy panggil. jala or lala. teringat teddy bear saya dulu yg namenye lala. mane la pg nye lala saya. abam baru cut his hair. daddy yg potom. adik tido. abam pronounce leep. aaaaa...geramnye saya. that day i bite his pipi and he bising, sakit mummy.. sakit.. hahahaha! adik plak suka sangat mandi. hhmm... esok nak tinggal lagi. mummy nak pg work. urgh dont like the feelings. skang dua dua dah sleep. jap gi mummy join the ship. hehe.. :)

to lil zafran n lil zara. mummy love u from d bottom of my heart. mummy will try my best to work out wat i am doing now so that i can achieve what i want to take care of u 2. amin!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Daliya Zara is 3 months old

Alhamdulillah. Hari ni bawak zara gi injection 3 bulan. Dh bg ubat demam, dah tuam, dah minum susu n dah tuka pampers. So it is time for * go to sleep *

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome September

We are reaching the final quarter of d month. So many things to catch up n so many things unsettled. Now my son is not feeling well. That day fever, then cirit birit, then flu then cough. Pressure to me. How i wish i yang jaga dia. Tp condition make me to not do that. *sigh* mummy emo kejap. I'm stuck with condition. Tp i believe that one day i will. Juz now that i need to focus on "my lil daisy closet" insyaallah.