Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, October 21, 2013

Mummmy presssuree....


Eventhough lots of activities done with my family, i tgh pressure n stress bout work. 

Nk pindah keje cpt. :(

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Learning to cook beriyani gam

Huishh.. Quite interesting. Quite challenging tp itu lah dia. Tp if dh biasa blh lah masak sdiri kan? Dh mandi, dah kenyang.. Daddy ckp apa lagi? Tido lah... Hahaha...

Saturday, October 19, 2013

S.e.l.a.m.a.t H.a.r.i R.a.y.a A.i.d.i.l.a.d.h.a

Another short outing with my lovelies....

Haa... Arini ada wedding daddy's good fwen. Lps tu dia buat surprise trus pg melaka. We reach there time senja tp hujan. So tak dpt nk jln2 sgt. But the traffic omg. Mcm kl k. Daddy bwk pg jonker street nk beli air teh n coffee. Layan k coffee dia... Pastu dinner at asam pedas claypot. Sedapnye... Nyum..nyum... :) alhamdulillah. Blk tu semua pun bleep. Including myself. Haha... Reach house like almost 11pm. Daddy drive tak laju sbb hujan lg. jln licin. Smp umah anak2 comel ku tido keletihan i guess... Tp i guess they r happy like their mummytoo.. :) thanx daddy! Love ya!

Monday, October 14, 2013

2nd holiday at johor bahru

Really enjoying our 2nd time there. This time we stayed at another place. Lotus desaru. Then soo many activities here which i feel like coming back here again. But of course the 2nd time to hello kitty house. My kids really enjoy themselves there. 

Daddy... Nak pg lagi!

I feel touched

Recently my feelings are unstable. Many things in my head.