Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm on leave

Taking a long break. Hubby said going to janda baik.. But dia cam fever je after got back from a long week of travelling. Tgk la mcm mana nnt. Cian daddy...

Was browsing the photos in my photo album. Tgk each pic of my kids.. They've grown up.. Sedey but happy... Mula la tu nak sayu blk.. :(

Saturday, January 25, 2014

1st class of the year after 3 years no class

Insya allah.. Focus nk complete my acca papers. Tinggal lg 3 papers lagi.. I'm taking p5. Tp room ni sejuk sket lah.. Dh bwk shawl n pakai cardigan pun sejuk.. 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Digital perm..

Thinking of having it... Tp lets get hubby's opinion first...

He'll be back today.. Yahoo!!

Fetching him with bam later..

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another boring public holiday..

Apa lah they all think at the time of setting ppl has to go to work on public holiday... Like spoiling other ppl's plan.. Sooo booorrriiinnngggg........

My tummy still ada rasa tak best lah... If another two dAys tak elok.. Maybe i'll go n see doctor.. 

K lah... Chiow!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Middle of jan and yet i dont have time to blog what i want to blog..

Tired of working lah... New things... Not really exciting.. Penat n sakit otak... Malas nak layan.. Lets talk about something else that i like...

Letsay my kiddoss.. <of course i loveeee>

The other day we went to a huge padang having fun together... With bubble baloon.. Bam n zara really enjoying themselves.. <muaahh..mmuaahh..> semalam pegi lagi;) hehehehe...

Hubby has got back to his normal routine.. Travelling and travelling.. And travelling.. And at times i feel lost n bosannn... Arrghh!! Menyampah tol feelings ni. Can't u justgo away...
Now my kids have fell asleep. Siang tak tido sbb nak bg main ngan atok n tokmak.. Td rs relief jgk rindu kat diornag.. Dh lama tak blk shah alam.. Call pun dh dkt seminggu hari tu last.. Mmg siang tadi ada terpk.. Tup tup abah call kata nak dtg.. Yaay! Yaay! Hehehehehe...

I nye perut still cam tak sedapp lah... Ntah apa yg salah mkn since aritu on off sakit.. Off on sakit.. Cian mummy... :(