Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Well... As everyone knows of this case... After 18 days of searching, the results ended saying the plan ended in the south hindi ocean.. Oh my! What a shocking news to hear. Can't imagine those ppl involved especially families n relatives.. I myself everyday reading on d results checking the updates.. But this is fate.. Qada' and Qadar..

May all of them rest in peace. 


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Class ~ here i come

Chaiyok... Chaiyok.. Berkarat otak nak memikirkan pasal subject ni. Quite challenging la.. Tp insya allah will do my best.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another weekend at segamat..

Due to haze n also fetching MIL.. We are here at segamat again dor another weekend. At first mcm mls sbb kids br nk recover tp sbb haze n sian plk hubby drive sorang2 we pun ikut blk.takpelahhh... Nway i dh beli kain ela red yg nk matching ngan kain yg my mum bagi. Nk send pg tailor je. Fashion apa ehh?. He he he....

Monday, March 3, 2014

Welcome march 2014

Going to the end of 1st qtr...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Missing my other half

Time moves so fast. My weekend is over. I miss my other half. Juz nk ada time chat for awhile on anything then sleep while kapuk. Cam time dolu2.... Tp when i look back i faham. Takpelah... I understad. Cannot force things to go ur way the way u want it. :|