Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

On the way to work

Morning! Taking train to work. It's normal. Hubby couldnt send coz he got activities after work. Quite rush in the morning. But oklah.. Hehehe... 

Daughter is recovering. Son the past 2 days cam soft stool. N cair plus lendir. Ishh.. Dia ckp sakit perut. I dh apply minyak last night. Hopefully he is recovering soon. Risaunya.... Ada mkn benda2 pelik ke? I donno. Only ppl at home can answer that. Tp i dh letak ubat diarrheakt atas meja tu.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Love u mums...

And may i will also be the best mummy for my children..

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Welcome may 2014

Well, just got back from holidayzzz... 
We went to malacca for 3 days then to johor. A new experience for us. From beca riding, river cruise and taming sari tower. My kids really enjoy themselves. Not forgetting the zoo melaka., hahahaha... Berpeluh peluh and panas. Tp takpela.. Enjoying myself.. Owhh and also the roti naan.. Yummy beedap btol... Lalalala...