Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Beli tanah

There is a potential area near MIL's house. Husband has already paid the booking fees. Together with his close buddy. Semlm while surfing jumpa la article psl agen hartanah haram ni. Risau la jgk kan. Tp doa-doa biarlah betul org yg nk jual ni. 

Next step is loan. Pastu nak kena clearkan tanah and submit for house plan. Bnyk nye keje nak wat. Hurrmm.. Takpe.. Google google mana yang tak tau tu. well, another new era in my life.. To move on to the next phase. Insyaallah.

Breastfeeding my lil girl..

Alhamdulillah.. Smp jgk hajat nak breastfeed my baby girl til she is 2 years old. Dulu time son tak boleh sbb i pregnant. Shian dia.. Tp apapun mummy love both of u so much! Semoga menjadi anak yg soleh   Dan solehah. Aminn. 

Now, my lil baby girl is growing. And she is sooooo in love into the movie "frozen" and blh siap nyanyi but her version lah. Eeee goooo... Eeee ggoooooo... Ee goo.. " supposed to be let it go" hahahaha.. Cute nye. *muahh*muahh* now dh makin besar makin bnyk perangai nye pun.

The same goes to abam. Baru2 ni dia jatuh time main kat laman. Sedey je ms i tanya nape hand abam? Adik siap jd nurse kecik. Tlg sapu2 luka tu. time nk sapu minyak gamat tak nak.. Sakit la mummy. He is also growing.. Miss u lots bam.. Dah makin besar. Makin bnyk benda he learned. Insyaallah mudah mudahan menjadi seorang anak yg baik. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

I ammmmm soooo nervous and worried..

Help me!!!! Sgt risau and nervous. Mcm tak keruan. I woke up around 520 today. Then i tried to sleep back.think so for only 20 min. Then i'm awake. Hurmm.. My dad said just be calm. Just participate in the activity. Give feedbacks and opinions. And whoaa!! There you go. Rasa mcm esok satu hari suntuk exam. Alamakkk... Apa nak buat ni.. Shima mummy aunty shim ... ~ insyaallah boleh ~ be positive.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Happy June

Holla.. Few updates that happened few days or few weeks ago.

Mmmm.. Banyaknya.. Bulan ni my kids are turning to 2 and 4. Semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki, menjadi anak yang soleh/solehah, dikurniakan kesihatan yang berpanjangan. Mudah mudahan. Aminn.. mummy will always love u.