Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Life updates

It's been such a very long time since i had a long post on my blog. Where is all the time at least for 10-15 minutes for long writing. Yes i am a mother of two. My time is most occupied with these two little apple of my eyes. But i can still do that actually. In the train while going to work. I feel no bcoz it is something privacy which i prefer to write it while i'm alone. In the office during lunch hours which i thhink is suitable la.

Currently my busyuks not feeling well... Syian dua dua org...

Love them so much!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Welcome another week in october

Well... Work going on like normal. Bank recons bank recons bank recons.... Haisshh..

But i havent share something with you yet. Tapi nanti la kita bagi tau k. Hehehe..

Last week the whole week MIL balik kampung. A bit rushing. Tapi thanks to Qaseh. Helping me a lot in handling my kids, cooking, kemas2 and ada few times rasa letih but alhamdulillah controllable. Boleh la nanti try promote kat orang lain. Hehehehe... :)

Now tgh siap nak pg work. Kids sleeping. Love them so much.

Till we meet again.

Sayang abang adik soooo muchh!!!

This picture was taken during the hari raya aidiladha. Time tu semua tgh pg sembahyang sunat. We all lps siap sempat berpicture picture. Hehehehe...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Happy birthday daddy faiz

Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. We love u always..