Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, March 23, 2015

Dinner tak cukup nasi

Huhu... Nasi tak cukup. Rs tak hbs mn lagi sbb nasi tak cukup. mIL nak masak nasi lagi. Hopefully later a bit can eat rice if the lauk is still ther. Now nk mandi kjap.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Cinderella night

Had a movie session with lil girl n lil son. Cinderella movie. Very interesting and nice. Sukeeee nye... Cantiknye.. Baju, pictures, colors, songs prince .... Hehehehe... Berangan kejap.. Hehehehe..

Oklah.. Tgh tggu daddy nk siap pg wedding. 


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Year 2015... Starting of d year with few things

It is been a while since my very long post. At work, it seems pretty hard with personal commitment which made me have to go earlier than i have planned. Donno why some ppl cant tolerate like work work work. Do or die. Well... Maybe it is their style. So if we dont seem it is suitable with us then it is our decision to leave. And finally i have made up my mind. 2nd march 2015. I have tendered my resignation. After been considering few times and i am final and firm with my decision. Insha allah.

To give more focus on wht i m currently doing.

Husband doing fine. Nampak recovering. Tp tak boleh renyah sgt. Nnt dh tangkap belakang. Rs sakit, sengal n kebas. Sian dia. Limited movement. Knowing him... Bz ngan activity dia.. Bila movement limited cam boooring. Tau he is trying to do some things at his own, tapi tgk muka i fhm. Syian dia. Take care dear hubby. Love u so much.

Son zafran inshaallah going to pre school next year. Dah tgk few options. Dh decide. Already ask tp no feedback. Tak suka actually mcm tu. Maybe kena come and visit or call direct.

Girl daughter zara dah makin bnyk ckp nya. Tapi pelat. Hehehe.. So cute. Sekarang sibuk nak pg swimming. Daddy dah belikan complete attire. Mlm time gelap2 pun ajak nak pg swimming. Esok ye kita pg. ishh.. Ishh..ishh... 

Oklah.. Nak pegi makan, dah lapar.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Husband appointment card

March 2015

It is been a while after i can really update my blog. Wow!! Amazing feeling. Cant wait to update soonest possible.