Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 28, 2017

CNY hols - update of me

Well, it is going to be end of the january already. It is CNY hols now. With all the heavy raining the past few days. Hopefully it will turn out to be hot sunny day. Sometimes we ppl, when it is raining and wet and cold, we will complained "sejuknya" baju tak kering. When panas "panasnya" berpeluh2" berlengas. Tp we as human must always say Thank You Allah for All that He had created and given us through out our life.

Kids are on school hols. 1week break. Meaning i pun break jugak from going to the school. Hehehehe..

Owh yes. I havent share this info yet. Alhamdulillah. I am 11 weeks pregnant now. Sickness tu still ada tp manageable. Appetite lost sket. I cant eat most food that i love. But lucky enough, bread and biscuits i can still eat. Others like roti canai, curry, kurma ayam i rasa x lalu langsung. But someone with bigger appetite than before, my husband. So cute. So many things he wants to eat. Teragak should we say in malay. Hahahaha.. :) takpelah. As long as i ada makan ada minum, then perut should be fine kan. Next week ada check up lagi. So kita plan nak bwk kids sekali. Let them see how the baby is when inside the womb. And to tell them too they r like that too when they are in my tummy. My lovely cute kiddos. Love them much much mucho.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

2nd week in January 2017

It's 14th of the month. Time move sooo fast. Dah middle of the month. The second week me and husband down with flu. Nose blocked. Sooo uncomfortable how we felt. Husband even took MC for two days coz he said he felt dizzy and fever. Alhamdulillah semlm dh start recovering. With the current weather situation, it is very important to eat healthy, drink plenty of plain water and stay indoor. Even myself tak larat k panas dia. :)

Talking bout school. So far, alhamdulillah ok. Manageable nak pegi sekolah pagi. Boleh lah. I plak kena manage my time properly. Many plans coming our way. Inshaallah. Mudah mudahan dipermudahkan.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy New Year 2017!

Its already 1 week after the new year. School session has started. I also havent update anything bout it coz i have been very bz and not feeling fine like always.

1st ly, congratssss!! Both my kids zafran n zara already went to school. Zafran at primary 1, zara at kindie 5yo. Semoga dpt memperoleh ilmu yg bermanfaat n berguna. Inshaallah. Oklah nnt i sambung nnt. Nk bleep.