Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Yaay! Weight improvement

Last round baby check up, weight i turun 1kg. So doctor a bit worried. She gave me new vitamins (2 types) for me to consume. And yesterday i timbang lah sdiri kat rumah je. Dah naik 3kgs. Woohoo! Hehehe.. Maybe hari tu makan tak lalu sgt. Tu yg drop weight kan. Now going to be in 2nd trimester. Inshaallah hoping n praying to be in better condition. Aaminn.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

If u got nothing to say, it is better if u just keep quiet ok

Maybe ppl will think that u r anti social ke apa. Tapi sometimes lagi elok. Banyak noo bercakap tak elok gak kan. Nnt dah ckp merapu rapu. So berpada pada lah. Jangan lah ckp smp takde esok plak ye. Selamat malam and good night!!

My sleeping time

The other day, i asked my husband, why if i dah sleep, u mesti nak kejutkan i ask me to do this to do that. Why can't before i go to sleep. Because?? U r busy doing something else. Hurmm.. Let me be lah. Sometimes rasa bengang je. Org dh tido lagi2 if x sihat, dont wake me up la kan. Biar la i sleep. Haisshh bukan ungkit ke apa, tp sometimes i pelik. Tp if x larat i tak bangun jgk. ;)

A bit of unsatisfaction

It was like 2 weeks ago i think. Where babam played hard on his sister and sprained the lil girl's hand. Then i was like kena blame. Husband said, MIL kata i tak tau jaga anak lah. Then i was like what? Pastu dia nk tengking2 marah i suruh gi tgk budak. I marah la kan. I raised a bit of my voice. Mcm apa ni. Said i nak pg tgk. Ye la kot. Maybe btol org ckp. Jd housewife ni, org selalu looked down on u. Sbb kita tak contribute any income to the family kan. Pastu plak dok umah MIL. Haishh.. Rasa mcm i am stuck in a situation and condition. Mcm lg stress jadinya. Ye lah i ni tak tau jaga anak. Biar je anak tu main sdiri2. Sometimes rasa nk bagi je surat kat u. "i am taking 2 days off during weekdays, please take care of your kids daily activities"  boleh tak giteww?

Sunday, February 5, 2017

February month - sweet sweet month

Well, hello february!! New month yet still busy coping with current schedule. With my condition i am bit tired at times. Last thursday, went for nt scan.  Alhamdulillah, baby condition ok. The next check up is in March. After scanning, jumpa old gynae. Checked with her during zara's most of the time. I am bit takut with her coz she is very particular about the mummy's health. Jangan hunch, jangan jln bengkok, jgn tunduk, tgk depan, adoii and many more. :) senyum je la ye. Hehehe..