Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Approaching 3 months

Alhamdulillah. Baby zayyan is going to be 3 months soon. He is getting bigger and longer that i can see. Sekarang pun ada habit baru, dah pandai hisap mittens. If ppl tgk nmpl mcm mummy ni tak bagi dia enough drink. Padahal dia dah minum sampai muntah. All of these memories will remain with me til end of life. :) nnt jap gi nangis sorang2 hehe. Bukan depressed or stressed ke apa. Tapi thinking i am not gonna be there with them all the time.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Scar on my tummy

It is 2 and a half months after delivery session for baby zayyan. Tapi scar itu ada times rasa nget nget.. Belah tepi kiri kanan.. Ye lahh recovering kan. Cannot do much heavy work. My steps pun kena watch out. Risau sakit kat situ sbb dah 3 kali ceaser. Mashaallah. Allahuakbar.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

IKEA's fav cookies now

Hahaha.. Kind of suka plak biskut ini. U guys need to try it. I like it ok.

Flavour dia blueberry. Son suka chocolates. Daughter tak suka langsung. :)

Over the time

I donno it is just me ke apa. U know i have been living with in laws. SIL pun stay sebelah je. Mmg pusing2 area situ je. Ada times i am soooo stress tau. Dgn condition yg kdg2 i tak paham. Kalo stress sgt, diam je takyah bnyk ckp, masuk bilik dok dlm bilik diam2. Habis cerita..

Zayyan's jab

Alhamdulillah it went well last week. Risau jugak if fever ke cranky. Balik tu i tuam kt tmpt inject tu. Then bg nyek banyak2 then tido. I selalu mcm lost bila smp part lps injection nak tuam ke tak nak tuam ke tak. I penah dgr org ckp tak payah and i masa small di "tuam" kan area injection tu. So i just follow my instinct and what i have gone through, tuam kaki peha yg tembam itu.. Next jab kita tuam lagi dia. Maybe pendapat org lain berbeza beza and different, soo ikut citarasa sendiri.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Happy 2 months old baby zayyan

Dear baby,

Happy 2 months old.

Mummy wish u semoga panjang umur, dimurahkan rezeki.

Love u always.

Even though nnt bile dah besar naughty sket like abang n kakak. Wink wink. Hehe.


Happy 34th birthday to husband

First time tried the surprise delivery. Comes with the cake as well, so decided to take lah sbb i takyah keluar beli. Belon tu for kids of course. Not much to say. Just happy birthday, semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki & sentiasa dirahmati. Ameen.