Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Congrats girl

She won first place for both of her category. Contributing to rumah hijau. Inclusive perbarisan & group dance. Soo cute. Tak sia2 mummy ikut joget lagu gummy bear smp tercungap2 kita ni. Takde stamina. Of course lerr. Hehe. 1st category dpt gold medal, second dpt botol air. Okaylah. Btw, kindie sports day semua dpt hadiah. That is why rumah sukan ada  3 warna je. :) so cute. Balik tu tertido letih. All of the kids. Kita layan netflix lah. Apa lagi.

Mlm tu unplanned dinner trip to uptown sbb nk mkm yong taufu. Last week dah pegi tapi since raining we patah balik klg. This week dpt pegi alhamdulillah. Parking dlm building. Senang sket. Kids mcm pelik sbb bnyk kedai makan, choices of food and tmpt mkn tinggi. Hahaha. That was mummy's and daddy's time college dulu suka pegi sana. Dulu lagi pack. Smp taktau nk parking mana. Sekarang not so pack like now. Still can find spaces. :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Zara's school sports day

Yep. Coming soon. Sibuk berpractise sekarang ni. Macam2 and soo cute my lil darling. Growing up soon to be a primary school student already. Gonna miss all the momenta we had together. :( that was what all mothers have to feel. Ingat anak dia semua kecik lagi. Aduhaii.. :( nak kapuk lagi la busyuk mummy ni.

Bucuk ummy tak sihat

Both son flu. Tp bam je ada cough. Dah jumpa paed tadi. And alhamdulillah nothing serious. Last night was a bit shocking thing for me coz zayyan nangis sampai kejat. Husband was like damn panic when he is soft crying damn hard. Syian dia. Si bongsu mummy. I mula lah risau ni. Kena banyak baca2 lagi info lah. Maybe i have forgotten parts of raising toddlers. Hurmm.. :) bertabahlah dan bersabarlah busyuk mummy. Mummy loves u oll so much.

Lupa nk blog

Hahaha..  Its been a while didnt blog. Mcm terlupa pulak. Bukan apa. Sbb phone i rosak. Told husband to just change the simcard. He insisted to wait for another 2 weeks. Getting me new phone. I said tak payah save his money. Hurmm.. Tgk la camne. :(

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Happy 35th birthday my busyuk. I love u very much.

Dear husband, yes sometimes i agree and know that we dont overcome certain things together. We dont have the say in common, we got different thought about different things and yet i still love u. Happy birthday to my soulmate, my roomate, my partner, my husband and to my lovely sweetheart. Yup rasa mcm u je yg boleh faham wife u yg mmg pelik ni kan. Hahaha. Wished for more birthdays with u dear husband. Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki, love u always. Currently i tgh rasa missing dia sgt. Mcm rinduuuu sgt. Why arr??

I am recovering

Alhamdulillah. Recovering. Tinggal batuk je. Stopped on the medication. Continue with honey + warm water. Well it tasted weird with different kind of honey tapi i tau it is good. Just that i have to drink lots of water. Yes especially when i am still breastfeeding si conet comel. I cant imagine how he insisted bf when i was down with fever. Flu tak sgt tp fever. My body is hot and yet dia tak kisah tu. Syian dia. I felt like my body is soo dehydrated smp air susu pun takde. Towards the second week husband blk from outstation baru i looked ok and feel ok. Kena minum bnyk air kosong lagi. :(