Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, February 18, 2019

Lil brother’s wedding

 ongratulations bobob and yana. Finally they tied up as husband & wife. Semoga berkekalan ke anak cucu. :) happy for them. Post wedding mummy fall sick. Flu and cough. Semoga cepat sembuh. Yesterday went to see doctor. Daddy also. My eldest cakap nak cuti. Tak nak pegi kenduri lagi. Hahaha. Sebab three days in a row asik pegi kenduri. Hehehe :) takpelah babam. Bukan selalu uncle bob kawin. Alhamdulillah it went well. Now another brother coming up soon. Lagi 3 weeks. Pastu kenduri at our side for both of thhem. Semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan. Ameen.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

2 nights at port dickson pulak

sambung pegi laut. To enjoy the sun and the beach. Well, its fun for the kids too. Thanx husband for trying to make your small family happy. :)

A short escape early of the year

Wasnt planning for a holiday at all during this CNY holidays. Husband said he got some portion but small and decided to go somewhere not that expensive. So we decided to book a place at colmar and port dickson.  Never been to bukit tinggi through out my life so it is my first experience same as husband and the kids. Prepared ourselves for the coldness coz we read it could be 20 degrees in the evening and at night. The place was different coz it was planned and designed as a french town. So from the architecture, the food, the surroundings mmg mcm kat france. Hahaha.. nnt ada rezeki let hsusband take me to venice.  Since dulu lagi mmg nak pegi sana. Since small. Sbb town yg cantik and romantic. :) mostly we stayed there. And of course the rabbit park and japanese village. To share some pics here. You guys can try to stay here for a day to feel the different ambience .

Happy CNY