Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, March 22, 2019

Ganti puasa

Yep. If tak silap lagi 6 hari. Baru sempat ganti 1 last tuesday. So ada 5 hari lagi. Inshaallah next week one more day. Pastu we see how. Mcm bercinta nak ganti puasa. Tapi have too lah kan. Quite challenging sbb ada baby clinging nak milk. Tp kita kuatkan jugak bf and fasting. Zayyan kita opt bagi dia bnyk makan and drink something else. So dia tak de rasa nak nyek sht. Talking bout zayyan he is growing bigger and smarter. Kesian dia si comel. If boleh nak pause je moments ni takyah besar2. Hehehe. Love u kids. :) belanja picture zayyan.

Alhamdulillah the final reception is done

alhamdulillah both of brothers reception at ourside went well. Eventhough ada terkurang ke tak cukip tapi the ceremony went as it should be. Ada a bit tirying tapi manageable lah. My kids were soo cute and adorable. Alhamdulillah. The flower girls were soo cute as well. And lucky zayyan tak menangis masa snap picture reramai. Takde pose nak nangis. :) hehehe. Our theme color is green.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Helping out where can

wedding ceremony at our side is around 1 week plus more. Make sure everything is in proper place. Mana yg boleh siap tu kita siapkan lah. I mcm pening and worried bout my mum nye condition. Mcm x nak take port langsung. Dad ada mention even nak wdraw widot pun x nak. Nak help out sana sikit. Btw just praying everything is fine. (Trying to smile eventhough ada sket unhappiness)

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

He scribble on my wall

Yup that is soo true coz kakak forgot to keep it back at his place. Lucky i get to wipe it off.

Another busy week

got things listed out to complete by this week. Hopefully it can be done coz there are times i feel so restless and sleepy despite of what i wanted to do. Inshaallah. This morning i woke up feeling a bit sad. Not quite sure why was that. Maybe it is just a feeling that should fade away and i should just ignore it. Husband told me to zikir the 33 times of subhanallah, alhamdulillah, allahuakbar, laillahaillallah. Coz it can take away the sadness from your heart. :)

Dearest heart, please be good to myself. It can be so touchy and emotional and sometimes it can so soft that it can barely be touch. :( well on top of that i am fine. Will try to. Love u myself.

Dearest kids, mummy loves u very much. Sorry kadang2 mummy termarah extra lebih ke coz i do care a lot for each one of u. And daddy please do take care of yourself. Till we meet again. Gotta see zayyan what he is up to.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Well hello march :)

Alhamdulillah. Zayyan is getting better. Dia demam. Risau jugak. Banyak bagi nyek and plain water. Yesterday siap shopping baju kawin and for raya as well. :)  husband is back from jb. Kata balik on thursday to wednesday malam dah sampai. Hehehe. Oklah.  Tull the next post.