Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 31, 2019

Last day of may 2019

few more days to raya. Nak shopping apa? Semua dah ada. Yg hri tu punya pun still ada. Donnolah. Mcm a bit moody this time around. Malas nak layan. Btw, selamat berbuka yah. Me going to cook later. Bye.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Another 10 days before raya

time move so fast. Mmg sgt fast. Ishh a month is almost an end. Byw, alhamdulillah for the blessings that i still can fast.

Btw, a new experience for me. Bercuti sambil berpuasa. Where to? Bentong pahang. To kolam air panas. It was a different experience. Whereby kids need to follow us for sahur at the dewan makan. Food served was nasi goreng and telur masak kicap. Hot drinks coffee and tea. And few slices of fruits. The rest all plain water je. Well, hope the kids happy. Sbb zayyan pun makan sahur sekali. Nasi goreng is among his favourite food now. :) for babam, started practising this year. Pastu makan spagethi for berbuka. Happy sgt dia tu.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Alhamdulillah it is 5th ramadhan already

alhamdulillah it is 5th ramadhan. Happy managed to fast. Son & daighter trying to fast as well. Son dah dapat 4 days so far. Zara still trying. Takde yg full lagi. Today around 11.30 dah bukak puasa coz she said her pipi sakit. Rupa rupanya ada ulcer. Mata ikan. Comel je adik kita. Love u lots. Zayyan on the other hand dah pandai mcm2 ni. Si comel mummy. Geramm je. Clombing is everyday activity. Sometimes ada rasa nak bwk dia pegi playground dah tp he is still small. Uesterday i told husband most prob nak masuk kan dia to playschool. Just to be socialise sikit. Sbb sooo clingy to mummy sgt. Anyway love u son. Will always love u alls.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Happy Ramadhan

selamat berpuasa dan selamat bersahur. Zafran trying to fast. So far 2 days dah. Full. Zara still testing.

Shopping at JPO

Yups . For the one day at first we planned to shop for baju raya kids there. Good price we get in there especially for the PUMA shoes. Basically half of the things we want ada kat sana. Then balik lepak kat hotel je coz the next day plan to go back to klang. tApi rupa rupanya daugher and husband plan for another stay at Hard Rock Hotel Desaru. At first kita mcm eh jom lah tgk surroundings Hars Rock ni tp pastu rupa rupanya mmg stay situ for one night. Ok really enjoy it. Lain sket the surroundings and the food. And the coolest thing also the pool ada music. Mcm pelik kan how got music ubder the water. Kat luar mmg tak dgr. Heheh. Kitorang yang flu2 sket tu almost hilang. Towards balik bam je mcm nak start batuk. Syian dia. Speedy recovery soon. Thanx daddy for the treats. :) boleh plan utk pegi lagi la ni eh yang? Hehehe .

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Happy Labour Day

Happy holidays to all. Despite of where u are. Currently off to southern area for short holiday. Really really short. Mcm 1 hari je. Kids mcm nak sedih je. Hehe.. well mission accomplished.