Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Dead lizard

Was cleaning the bathroom yesterday when i found out a dead lizard without tail next to the body sponge. Mula2 ingat nak pegang dengan cleaning sponge sekali dah terlepas pastu terpegang lah with bare hand kita ni. Hahahaha... adoii tak best nya rasa dia. Automatically terjerit jerit sebab geli punya pasal. Eeee can u imagine that. Pastu tembak dengan air sampai jatuh and hopefully keluar lah dekat longkang and hanyut terus masuk sungai. Yuckkss.. wek!! Lizard oh lizard. :)

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Happy 10th Anniversary Shima & Faiz

Alhamdulillah. Dah 10 years. To many more years to come. With 3 kids now.nak besarkan diorang ni je lah challenge nya. Inshaallah. Too many wonderful  and sourful memories in these 10 years yang mana sourful tu kita banyak diam kan aje. Malas nak layan. Tapi if dah bothering me too much then i will ask. Hurmm.. :)

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Lemon garlic fish for husband’s diet food

Googles for his food. And he said sedap mcm daging burger. Nanti i try masak lain pulak utk u. Mcm nervous takut tak jdi. Well never try never no right. Sayur tu kita stir fry and letak sket mixed herbs.

Happy 1st August

hahaha.. typical title for me. Well here comes august already. Which means double celebration for me ie: wedding anniversary and youngest birthday. :) alhamdulillah. Mudah mudahan panjang umur, murah rezeki. Lagi bijak pandai. Amin. Love ya baby yyan.. :)

The other day went for spa treatment. Actually tapak kaki sakit sket sbb terpijak toys atas lantai. So amik lah the free foot spa. Sakit dia bila kena picit tu adoiiii... and ada lah kurang sket rasa tumit kaki tu. eldest baru recover from demam and batuk and slight sakit perut. Doctor advise to jaga the food timing ie breakfast, lunch, dinner. And if kalo boleh ada snacks in between it is good. Semoga cepat sembuh ye bambitot. Love ya too!!:)