Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Ya allah. Semoga mereka sentiasa dalam pelihara Mu. Aminnn.

2 weeks of staying at home

The first phase of RMO ended today. It will continue to second phase which is starting tomorrow 1st april until 14 april. Now mostly major roads in klang has been shutting down from outsider and insider. No in out movement unless u use different route. Praying that covid19 will be ending soon. Kids starting doing school homework as teachers created groups sending info and exercises to be done at home. Kesian lods. Diorang mcm antara paham x paham je what is this all about. Not just malaysia but the whole world is facing the same thing now.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

14 days of MCO

we are here at the 14 days of MCO. meaning 2 weeks already. government prolong this MCO until 14 april. meaning another 2 weeks. and of course a month. infact the whole world is in lockdown mode. here in malaysia now, simpang renggam has been totally lockdown whereby the people cannot even go outside from their house to buy needs. everything will be provided by the responsible team in their place. talking about my feelings , thoughts and things. mcm cant explain what is all about. mcm still rasa shocked, surprised, blur and many more. berdoalah and always follow the rules people. inshaallah akan ada pengakhirannya. love u all very much!!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

keep yourself and your kids as clean as possible especially their hands

hygienity cleanliness is very very very important.


Currently my country is under MRO. and by Sunday, the armies will be joining the police force to enhance more tighter security to our country. the cases of this corona virus has been increasing day by day and now it is already past 1000 cases. allahuakbar. hope everyone and particularly everybody understands the meaning of being at home. stay at home. no need to go outside unless u r in need to buy things and food to survive. please everybody please everybody. listen and just stay at home.

we on the other hand alhamdulillah doing good at home. praying that everything will turn to normal and the virus get to be cured. inshaallah.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Abang jatuh while playing hence lebam

Tu lah dia. Main sampai teruk bebe or. Sampai luka pastu dah jadi lah reason dia tak nak pegi sekolah. Macam macam lah abang ni. Malam tu sapi lah minyak gamat and urut sket2 kaki tu. shoooo kuyuss k. Mcm x cukup makan je dia ni. Haishh..

Prius break down

Not totally like break down like cannot go. A warning has been shown on the screen right after i come out from my parents house. Apalagi kita pun call husband. Half way through husband said terus pegi service centre and then we will pick up daughter since i have promised to pick her up. Sangat nervous ok. Husband cakap that is the battery problem. Google google tengok battery baru dekat 11k ke 15k. I was surprised. Mana nak cekau bnyk tu. dgn nak setel rumah lagi kan. Pening kepala stress. Pastu bila husband check dgn service advisor rupa rupa nya our battery still dalam warranty until end of this year. Alhamdulillah. Much love sent from the above. Kena byr labour charges and minor changes like brake pad and wheel check. Alhamdulillah. Joy to the joy. :)