Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Buying fresh fish from the sea

Last week we gave a short trip to kuala selangor. To buy fish and also jalan2 out of town. Jauh jugak perjalanan coz pegi ok lagi tp balik dkt 2 jam ye. Lenguh jugak butt i . Feels like dah nak smp melaka dah ye. Beli tenggiri (my fav), bawal, and other fish as well. Tp zayyan takut. Taknak swim dalam laut. Hehehe..

Sopping.. sopping..

 Thanks yang. Belanja wife 2 things. VS lotion and sport shoes. Been wanting the simple cheaper shoes je like Power brand tapi husband insisted to getting a proper shoes that suits the feet for sports activities. Hence the sopping goes to the sports store. 

As for zayyan, been requesting to but his own beyblade and finally daddy approved his wish. Suka la tew.. hehehe.. Towards the end, we treat ourselves with krispy kreme doughnuts. Tq daddy again. :)