Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 22, 2020

English task - robot

 Tengok her friends homework mcm lain je. She is different. Siap costume bagai. Hahaha.. 

Dah pandai conteng

 Dah pandai dah. Conteng kat kaki pulak. Dinding, katil, meja, almari semua dah ada. Latest ni body parts pulak. Last week tangan. This week kaki pulak.

Nenek Om

Alfatihah. Its been 3 years already after nenek om has passed away. Macam kadang2 mimpi. Yup i know semua orang akan pergi eventually myself. Rumah nenek sekarang takde orang stay. Nobody. So makngah tutup ke lah. I dari sehari sehari nak lalu sana pun tak terpergi ye. :( even nak visit makngah pun belum. Today also marks 100 days after pakngah left us. Macam mimpi jugak lagi. Alfatihah. Semoga ditempatkan di kalangan orang yang beriman. Aminn.

Burnt cheesecake

 Anak dara request nak cheesecake since haritu. Despitw of few times beli cream cheese, semalam topup lagi. Last2 i sendiri terkurang 50gm eventhough dah more than enough. Quite worried tak jadi so i tawakal je lah. End product yummy! As requested. Husband cakap sedap tapi x leh makan selalu. Full of cheese. :)) 

Cutie pie insist to sleep on my lap

 Dia punya clingy tu smp mummy nak breakfast pun x berapa selesa until i need to sit folded leg on the chair coz this cutie pie nak tido. Asked him to sleep on the bed tapi tak nak so kita redha je lah sambil makan roti. Hahaha.. now i feel he is more solid. :)

Saturday, November 21, 2020

My mother is at her hyper mode now

After few times abah complaining that mama sepah sana sini, in the room, in the kitchen, at the hall, and despite the loud volume of her phone speaker, i finally managed to give them a visit yesterday with the kids as well. So wanted to be angry yess of course, tapi her mood is not stable. So i je lah tolong kemas kan sket2 mana boleh. Especially pinggan mangkuk. Then i was like banyak giler pinggan mangkuk ni. Mana datangnya. Ada yang i langsung takleh recall even wearing it. Balik2 the same design and pattern kan. Ni dah kemas sket2 lah mana boleh. Nanti kita dtg kita kemas lagi ye. :(

Body combat

 I have joined and started doing it for almost 2 months now. Not to slimming but also to feel healthier, full of breath instead Of short and also not to feel restless that fast. Well alhamdulillah it works. Will continuously doing it for the best 20-30 minutes 3 times a week. I followed this couple at youtube. “The Body Project”

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Noah’s Apple Juice

 Yummehh! Sedapp kan. Its been a while since we last drink apple juices. Well, its good to have that kind of drink though. Husband yang belanja. Thank you yang. Nnt try juice brand lain pulak. Noah’s was an Australian product. Rasa pure apple tu. botol pun cantik.

Lasagna beef and chicken

 I cant remember the last the i baked lasagna bit i think that was way back before zayyan was even born and zara is still small like zayyan’s age i think. Husband requesting me to make lasagna. If ikutkan i, i cam malas je sbb dia bnyk kerja sket if to compare with spagethi or aglio oglio right. And i think this time too cheesy and yess wayyyy tooooo cheesy. Hahahaha.. well enjoy it while it last. Soo longgg babeyyyy.... :)

New ABC wooden toy

 Thank you daddy 🙏🏻 

Monday, November 9, 2020


 Banyak dah kita cuba resipi and kita juga masak normal no special lauk for everyday eating. Pan grill, baking, masak lemak and many more. Hehehe..

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Aprons for us

 Thanks hubby beli apron black. So baju kita tak kotor sgt kan.

Banyaknya makan birthday cake recently

 Ahakss. Mmg suka pun birthday cakes ni. Sedapp sedapp sedapp.

Video call with atok, tokmak and uncle yed

 Lama benio dah tak balik shah alam. Rasa next week nak balik sekejap lah ye. Saje nak visit. Tp mcm risau they r not comfortable. :(

WAU making

 He is in the mood of crafting his on wau. Today baru siap. And boleh terbang dah. HahAhHa. Esok kita tengok ok.

Remember!!! Masa rentas daerah dah allowed.

 I remembered what i felt. Its like sayu and happy and sebak sebab barriers has been lifted by the police officer due to number of covid cases has dropped. Where kids can go to school, ada bdays celebrations, ada small family gatherings, ada shopping sket2 kat mall, ada pegi holidays at various places. Soooo happy. Tapi sekarang kita pkpb balik smp dec. so redha je lah. Enjoy the moment while it lasts.

His colouring dah improve

 Soooo colourful. Just like him. My youngest 👶 

More homeworks online

 Yess makin banyak lah.. hahahah. Ada yg baru nak submit last 2 weeks punya. Hahaha. Kena improve timing ni. Kids mmg kalo boleh main game je memanjang. :)