Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Dah pandai main game

 Hahahah.. tp tu reward after helping mummy vacum bilik and kemas buku. :)

Alhamdulillah. The house is ours.

 Alhamdulillah. After doing great hard work, almost a year, today the house is ours. Dah lama aim pun sebenarnya. And now the luck is ours. Alhamdulilah. Pray to AllAh . So.... posting about new house will becoming more in my blog yah. Hehehe..

10gram restaurant

 Tried eating here on the way back home. Food not bad. So boleh try pegi lagi lah.   Name of the shop 10gram. 

Story of him today

 Yup its 31st dec 2020. Last day of the year tp dia punya kelam kabut nak pegi kerja tadi smp semua benda pun silap. Hahahaha. Malass ke tu?

1. Wear the wrong tshirt to work. I’ve already iron another one.

2. Forgot his laptop charger.

3. Forgot where he puts his car keys.

Cyberjaya view resort

 The last i went here was like before i got married. But not for a staycation but more of to work, work, work. Attended a meeting there. And because of this covid, husband decided to go there again. Kesian kids. Mostly the whole year, stay at home. Itu pun we all cari yg tmpt dekat2 je. Hahaha. So finally here we are for 2 days1 night stay. The place was nice. Yes, coz it is full of green around your surroundings. Tapi that night i banyak kena gigit nyamuk. Lucky they have spared us with mosquito repellant. And then the pillow a bit keras which made my neck and shoulder a bit stiff. Mcm penat pulak jadinya sbb tak dapat proper sleep. Lucky kids managed to sleep through the night. Husband also said he felt the same as i am. Kesian. :| 

On the other part, swimming pool, great. Kids enjoyed themselves. Smp zayyan luka kat pipi sbb asyik climbing climbing. The food for breakkie is also nice. Ada taste ler. So kind of win-win situation.

Takpelah kids. Next time we find a better place yah. Kita jalan dekat2 sudah ye. :)

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Wolverine masks

 Tengok lah tu. sbb nak masuk contest kat sekolah dia. Kita pun join sekali buatkan mask utk dia. Tp taktau end results macam mana. Menang or kalah. Hahaha..

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Movie marathon

 Finishing his netflix series “the last kingdom” i’m not sure berapa banyak series lagi tinggal. Tgk lah tu. enjoying himself. Hahaha. Nanti kita nak tengok cobra kai pulak next year. Better habiskan dulu whatever series u nak tgk sekarang ye. :)

Gardenia bread as a door gift

 Found this on the internet. Wedding doorgift. Completed with boxes so that the guest can carry it home nicely without the roti being penyekss. Hahahaha. Berangan je. Well, comel kan. :)

Blue lagoon mocktail

 After finishing netflix series restaurant at the edge, husband started to make mocktail using the set he bought from jaya grocer. This is one of my fav taste. So refreshing. Sedap. Tq. Nnt belanja wife lagi ye. :)

The final book for year 2020

 Hahaha. Finally managed to finished reading 2 books for this year. 2 from the author hamka. And yes quite challeging nak habiskan tu. satu je tak dapat fulfill this year. Which is nak khatam quran. Hurmm.. should improve that one though. 

Chocolate cafe

 Daddy treated kids and me lah as well to the chocolate cafe. Everything chocolate. Kids really enjoyed it.

School works via online is almost finishing

 Yes. The school term for year 2020 is almost over. These are some more homeworks from both zafran and zara. Hopefully better for the kids next year. 

Sold off Prius - good bye

 Obtained it in december 2012. And december 2020 we had sold it off to accommodate the differential sum of purchasing our house. It is mixed feelings as i have many memories with it especially after i have stopped working. Taking me and kids travelling around town. Taking us to travel within country, well i knd of cried ok. For a few days. I even dream of it. It is already a week after we had sold it off. To be exact the date is 8.12.2020

Well, hope u will be in a good hand after this. And thanks for taking care of us for the past 8 years. Love u prius. :)