Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 19, 2021

Chesterfield sofa

 My eyes kinda laid on these really beautifulll sofa. Though of having it for my living room. But i need to survey the price and the material first. Tp sesuai ke ikut theme novic scandinavian weolls tu? Hehehe..

Koko day for zara

 1st time koko activity from home.

New tent for play

 Zara and zayyan enjoying themselves. Cousins pun tumpang sekaki.

Lil bro doing good deeds for his ex-teammate

 Alhamdulillah and proud of u. Organizing a charity donation for his friend that suffer from accident. Total collected around 10k. Semoga urusanmu dipermudahkan. Aminn ...

Bff bila bermeeting

 Goshh it is soo damn hot outside at 4.30 and u guys can sit there discussing things. Which i rasa adush panasnya. Bahang. Daddy after that terus rasa nak demam. Sian dia. :(

1st giving away thru FB post

 I joined an Fb group called Buy For Nothing Project (BNP). And decided to let go of my baby high chair with tray. I got a receiver on the same day, and her husband picked up from my house around 10. Alhamdulillah. Feelings tu rasa mcm happy nya i donate bagi org pakai. My kids pun dah taknak duduk situ lagi. Youngest pun fefeeling besar. So taknak duduk situ. We washed the chair and donate it to the needy. Hope it will be useful for ur kids yah. Alhamdulillah.

Netflix of Netflix

 Dah 2 weeks since my last post . Macam tersangat sangat busy lah. Well ... yes i am. Of course being a housewife, house chores never to an end. Adaaa je evryday and evryday. Sampai kdg2 rasa nak baring “me” time layan netflix pun takleh. Hahaha.. dont get me wrong. Ada time boleh layan netflix tp most of the movie yg i tgk tak dpt nak tgk kat open space. Mostly kat phone or in the room sbb ada 18++ scenes. Hehe.. if dkt hall mostly likes asian movies lah. Kids pun boleh tgk sekali. 

Latest, i finished series of Korean drama. “Uncanny Counters” which i rasa quite interesting. Even kids also layan tgk. Almost 2 weeks to finish the episodes. I think got 16 kot. Cerita dia pasal a group of 4 ppl yg ada special power utk tangkap roh jahat. 

Lepas tu layan Bridgerton. But i stopped first sbb to give way to Noah Centineo aka PK. TATB part 3. Rasaaaaa sgt relate dgn diri sendiri. Sbb LJ to introvert. And i think i am one. And my bf then is extrovert. Mcm PK. Tp in the end they are together even though separated by 3000 miles (like me - when i was in dublin) . Soo theres no more PK. So my ig feeds mostly pasal tu lah. And then tgk sekali bloopers and other bts pics that other ppl post. So cute. And PK is sooooo handsome. If ckp kat husband i, mesti dia buat muka senget. Hahaha.. kuat jealous. Wekk..

Now after watching twice (still feel like watching again) hahaha. Baru nak tgk Bridgerton balik. Stories of those days. Well, till then. :)

Sunday, February 7, 2021

When he sleeps in the afternoon

 Macam2 gaya and style. Mmg rasa nak cubit je pipi tu.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

He sleeps early tonight

Tudiaaaa.. sbb tak tido siang tadi. Lepas mandi, dinner ala kadar je, tau2 dah tido dpn tv. Sibbaik sempat siapkan dinner si kecik tu. ni tgk pipi gebu dia. Mcm roti. Hahahaha..

Monday, February 1, 2021

Zayyan being busy when everyone’s is having online classes

 Teman lah dia main kejap. :)

Dangdut while cooking for lunch

 Opening up my spotify and chosed the top 90s songs. Anddd in the playlist ada lagu dangdut pulak. Amboiii.. kita pun joget lah kat dapur. Hahahahahahha :)

1st Feb - online classes as normal

Trying to adapt to the new norm. Settling kids school books and alhamdulillah dapat as planned. Just ada 1 - 2 yg takde stock lagi. So takpe. As the majority are already here. Kesian kids. Hopefully they are all ok.