Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Zayyan got new habits


Tu dia. His new habit. Suka masukkan jri dalam mulut. Sonetimes until all five fingers nak masuk. Got times when he feels like vomitting abb dah sampai terbatuk. Korek tekak. 

Completed ABC set

He lose his alphabet U for about 2 weeks i think. Then yesterday after daddy repair the broken bed’s base, i finally found the U. So zayyan got super excited the he played with it till midnight till even now when i am typing this entry. Pictures too were taken for sooo many times. To be exact 26 pictures sbb total A-Z got 26  Hahahahaha.. zayyan oh zayyan. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Touching up has not been done

 Been doing short checking upon the house tapi mgmt property does not started their work yet. Tunggu je lah lagi ye. 

New PJs for the kids

 Only the last 2. Coz the eldest no size for him yet at the same store. So, mummy will find later. It’s glow in the dark. Kids like it very much. If ok nnt kita beli lagi ye. :)

Sunday, March 21, 2021

MIL warded

 She’s been warded dah almost 5 days. Before this, been complaining she’s tired, feverish on and off, no appetite. So husband took her to see local doctor before decided to take her to hospital for further checkup. Upon check up, her blood platelet tremendously drop to 49 which is far than normal which is 150. Pastu the next day drop lagi to 38 and next day drop lagi to 25. After further check up, it is confirmed it is not denggue. And further check of the blood to be done tomorrow, sbb now confirm it is virus. Tp tak tau virus apa lagi. Anndd another thing is she is most probably got thyroid. And tomorrow she will undergo CT scan to test it. Allahuakbar. Semoga semuanya dipermudahkan for my MIL. And semoga diberikan kesembuhan secepatnya. Aminn. 

Cheque deposit for deposit KC

Alhamdulillah. We’ve paid the depo for KC. Material as per what husband has agreed to have in our kitchen. :) 

Barakath Studio is our contractor. Let’s see their end product. Inshaallah. 

Monday, March 15, 2021


 Loving this pics that i found. So cute. They are still cats eventhough big and small. Bila yawn, semua same gesture. :)

Round round cari pisang goreng

 Tudiaaa ... after fetch abam terus pegi round cari pisang goreng sampai seksyen 8 then balik. Hehe.. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Abam jatuh

 Tengok pic dia ni. Hidung tu luka and bengkak and nasib baik takde tulang patah ke apa kat nose comel tu. zafran zafran. Konon ya nak buat back flip tapi salah steps. Hishhh bukan bukan je dia ni.

X50 review

 I am not a professional tester on cars. Just on my personal view bila tengok the real car infront of me. Cool! Mcm lain design luar dan dalam. Siap ada lampu like thundercats bila switch car keys. And dalam door handle dekat dgn handle. Can speak with car. We need to wake her up by saying“hi proton” . Apa lagi? If suka nak tgk go to nearest showroom ye. 

Husband belanja new slippers

 Tqvm. For the new slippers. Love it. Utk replace selipar rumah tg dah hampir koyak rabak itu. He fot for his one one pair and for myself, another pair. Tq yang.

Testing for our monopod

 Husband received it somewhere in 2015. Now dah 2021. Like 6 years has passed. Baru bukak from kotak. At first nak bg BiL tp at last lepas test test semua.. kita amik and simpan lah. Letak dalam car. Boleh guna bila pegi holiday. :)

Tapi kenapa semua terbalik? Hahaha. And ada budak baru lepas nangis sbb adik buli dia. Tp sbb nak tangkap gambar terus tak jdi. Hahahaha. Love u diks!

Chocolate doughnuts vs classic sugar doughnuts

 Which one is tour fav doughnuts? Mine will be the classic one of course. Tapi sesekali ok je untuk makan yg top flavour one. Sedap jugak kan. Tried to do chocolate toppings for the kids. Tapi only 2 yang suka. The youngest opt for the classic one like me. Hahaha. Anyway, mana2 pun habis jugak. Tq kids sbb menghabiskan kuih yang mummy buat. Love ya!

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Kakak’s art hw and zayyan pun nk jugak

 Yesss apa orang buat dia pun nak ikut sekali. Tu lah ayann mummy. Check out his artwork. Bertemakan pemandangan dasar laut. Kakak punya full blue background. :)

1st time making chocolate cake

 It went well. Daughter requesting for the cake smp i dah nak termerajuk dah sbb thinking of what i am thinking. Soweeee lala utut. Muahh muahh. It is eggless and it is by steam. Not bake in the oven. Tapi bila dah simpan dlm fridge, bila nak makan kena biar dulu sebab keras sket. Hahaha.. :)

5.3.2021 Friday After Asar

 Alhamdulillah!!! We already received our house keys on this particular date. Alhamdulillah. After much time been waiting, the keys are finally here. So we inspected the house for some defects coz the developer will repair for it within one week’s time.

March - school started

 1st quarter of 2021. School started already. Both to my eldest and second. Praying for our kids to keep them healthy and safe. Inshaallah. Not much preparation of school clothes, bag, shoes coz last year still boleh pakai lagi. Just top up books where possible.