Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Alhamdulillah 16th ramadhan

The month of ramadhan is going through half way already. Which means approximately 15 more days before we coming to an end of ramadhan. A bit sad to say. Tp alhamdulillah managed to go through half of the month eventhough few days of it my youngest son was admitted to hospital due to high fever resulting in fits. Allahuakbar. Semoga semuanya elok2 sahaja. Amin ya rabbal alamin. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Missing my prius

 It’s been nearly 5 months we sold our car already. Sometimes ada rasa mcm patah kaki sbb nak jalan jauh2 lebih sket tak dpt. bukan jauh mana pun. Maybe KL or damansara kan. Hurrmm takpelah me and kids. Kita sabar sket je. Daddy and mummy tgh nak furnish our new house with things first, pastu baru kita tgk on car pulak. Sabar sket ye babies. To husband. Love u so much! Penat kepala otak nak fikir all sort of things. 

MILO limited edition tin

It was special edition due to 100 years since milo was produced. Hubby bought the tin sbb lain finishing dia. So i snap the pic to keep it here. :)

Another place to go - Japanese Restaurant

 To repeat again here. Food was tasty and kids also like the place. Hope to fo here once more. Nearby only. Only at Nikusutei Japanese Restaurant at Bukit Jelutong.

My princess

 This was last year. During sofea’s bday celebration. Manja betul dia nih. Always borrow sofea’s hat. At last daddy belanja satu when we were ar cameron highland the other day.

This was to be posted in february sbb bday bob gathering via online

 Kemas kemas phone coz i want to discard photos. So it was during bob’s bday celebration via online. Time cake cutting tu tak sempat record pun. Hehehe. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

My terawih prayer imam trying to be cool by wearing unicorn’s hat

Hahahahahahaha... very funny. Suddenly request nak pakai topi zara. So cute. Actually dia ada google meeting tadi. Pastu saje nak bagi org gelak. Pakai je lah. :)

Testing mrs.sambal

 We bought a ready-to-eat sambal petai ikan bilis tempoyak. Nak try. Rasa dia mmg sedap. Pagi tadi tried for sahur together with telur dadar. And rasa dia mot bad. Boleh menambah selera if tgh tekak takde mood nak makan. Next time can order more. Hehehe...

Friday, April 16, 2021

Hello pokoks

 Been trying to capture some photos. At first SIL wanted to buy tp since her mother got them already, then tak jadi lah. Kids posing posing as models. Anyone else nak?

Jungle bush

Fiddle figs

Snake plant

Geramm lah dgn si lily ni

 Mmg if balik shah alam we all akan main main and dukung dia. Lucky dia nak kat orang ye. Hehehe.. zafran mesti nak cubit pipi dia

Bought double pack for abg

 If beli time nak puasa, surely it will be last longer coz he is fasting. 

Lemang lebaran is already up

 It already started since the first day of puasa. 😊 abang and zara already excited nak makan nasi bulat. Hehe..

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Bought si bongsu baju raya already

He chosed the colour himself. Went on monday. Senang semua ikut sekali. Tinggal zara je i nak belikan online. :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

1st day of terawih with husband

 Alhamdulillah. Moga istiqamah until the end. Thnx husband. Love u! Selamat berpuasa & salam ramadhan.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Followed mummy daddy dating at the coffee bean

Kita nak me time kononnya . Berdua sahaja. Tp si kecik ended up ikut sekali. Hehehe. So kita try hoe vanila latte together with its scones and few slices of cake.. ok the vanila latte lagi soft and sedap compare to starbucks that i ordered the other day. Enjoyed our time smp ngam2 nak tutup dah.

Cokodok pisang

 Its been a while since my kids want to have cokodok pisang. So ended up almost 3 days i buat cokodok pisang. Itu pun after husband took down the almost riped bananas from its tree. We got 2 bunch of bananas. I layan dgn air teh strawberry cameron. So yummy.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

This time zayyan snap pic of his flash cards aka mini books

 Tu lahh.. my photo gallery penuh je dgn his photos be it senget or blur or tak tau pic apa pun. Hehehe.. love u son! 

Happy new month

Entering the second quarter of the year already. Alhamdulillah despites of the challenges that we are facing currently, still manage to have some small fam bam lunch, dinner, breakkie and many more sweet moments. :) alhamdulillah. 

School were off for a week. So meaning i am on leave too. Hahaha.. not going anyway far. Plus MIL was still in the hospital. She was discharged last friday. Hoping that she will recover soon enough. Inshaallah.