Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Total lockdown Level 1

We will be under total lockdown starting 1st June til 14th June. Semoga semua urusan dipermudahkan. Amiinnnn. :(

Science hw recording for zafran

 Macam2 dia ni. Shy shy sebenarnya. Hahahah. Cute je. :)

More activities for ayyan

 Look at him. Dah laju dah sekarang ni. :)

Hahaha.. so funny

 U know sometimes i rasa i ni soooo serious. Benda lawak pun x lawak kan. Well maybe lah kot. Ni ada satu posting that makes me smile. Actually banyak je tp takde lak nak screenshot. This one i got it. Hahaha...

Kuah kacang and nasi impit for dinner

Tetiba husband ckp nak masak nasi impit and kuah kacang. Sbb tengah hari i cooked masak lemak lontong. So pairing lah. Bahan2 still ada kat rumah. Boleh lah buat kan. By the way, kids pun suka makan. :)

 Below ni picture of us nak amik mood before masak makanan raya. Hehehehe.. lepak jap.

Main kat laman je lah ye

Nak main kat mana diorang ni petang2. Nice weather. Playground tutup. So kawasan rumah je lah boleh. Kesian kids nowadays. Time kita dulu freely naik basikal sana sini smp nak dkt maghrib baru balik. Hahahaha. Happy sgt. Apa2 pun alhamdulillah masih boleh bermain petang2 for d kids. 

Online classes for kids ongoing

With the high numbers of covid19 in our country, the kids will be going through online school until not sure when. Some say most likely august. Well, kita berdoa semoga semuanya pulih balik. And kids. Keep going strong. Mummy will teman and accommodate mana boleh. :)

Vaccine registration on 26.5.2021

Well, me and husband both tak dapat any slots through out the opt-in registration for covid vaccine in my country. Through PICK dah register. Tp this one belum lagi lah. Kena tunggu turn. I was reading about sooo many many articles on these vaccines and how the virus have been affecting our country. Rasa heavy and jam kepala reading this. At one point ada rasa nak nangis. Until i’ve decides enough of reading. Kita usaha and berdoa. Inshaallah. :(

Friday, May 14, 2021

My new purse in peacock colour

Thanx husband again. Belanja wife. Mmg purse i dah lama worn out. Pastu again been postponing nak beli sbb tak decide nak beli brand apa, warna apa, shape apa, pastu on that nuzul quran leave, kitorang round2 pastu husband kata masuk lah dlm store ni. Tgk purse u. I pun ok lah. Cari2 round round kenan kat yg ni. Warna lain sket. Peacock kata sales assistant tu. here it is. 

Last day before raya

Went out in the morning to get somethings to cook. Kids tak ikut. So when i’m back ni lah hasil ya. Kakak tolong make up kan adik dia dengan herself. Hahahaha.. zayyan cakap dia wakanda forever. 

Tb: iftar outside before pkp 3.0 implemented

It was our favourite place for iftar since me and husband were young adults. :) so we took that tradition by taking our kids now for breakfasting there. Suasana amazing coz not many people. Relaxed and imwe enjoyed ourselves very much. Alhamdulillah. :)

Salam Aidilfitri 2021

Yaay! Alhamdulillah. Ramadhan is at its end. Salam aidilfitri to all muslimin & muslimat. This year 3 hari terlelas time sahur. Satu bangun dah pukul 7 terus. 2 lagi ngam2 nak azan. Kids makan roti sapu coklat and warm water. I makan kurma and warm water je. Husband too. This year raya kita buat kuah kacang and nasi impit. Husband as usual rendang ayam. Laun2 diorang topup like rendang daging, lemang , satay and putu mayam. Well, here is the photo of us during firat raya. Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir Batin. (Raya PKP 3.0)

Monday, May 10, 2021

Raya sale from VS

My melon sorbet has finished since march and i have been postponing to buy the next one and also been thinking which to buy. Either from Body Shop or Victoria Secret. Sekali haritu round2 jalan time nuzul quran, passed by the shop and ada promo “Buy 2 body lotion/body mist, only RM99” andddd sooo senyum sampai telinga lah. Sebab satu lotion cost roughly RM89. Pastu add RM10 dah dpt 2 body lotion. Tapi melon sorbet flavour that i bought last time was a limited edition, therefore dah takde restock lagi. The lst round pun sama. Takde restock lagi. So get the help from husband to choose the new flavour and here i come. With the pure seduction and temptation. For me kan, semua pun sangat wangi. Husband terel sikit nak choose yg the best among the best. :) but my favourite is pure seduction. Tapi still dua2 pun best. Thanks yang for belanja wife. :)

Saja-saja masuk contest

Kenwood is having their raya contest. When i came across the advertisement, i was like ehh jom lah join. Ada rezeki dapat lah menang 1x mixer from kenwood. Hahaha. :)

Zayyan’s checkup

Alhamdulillah it went well when we took him for follow up check up. Doctor suka gila jumpa dia. Siap hug lagi. Gelak besar. 

Happy Mother’s Day

 To mama, MIL, myself and all to other moms in the world. For me everyday is mother’s day kan. We should celebrate. Alhamdulillah for everything.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Masjid Sultan Suleiman

Was accompanying my husband to pay his fidyah for this ramadhan. At this MCO time, since last year movements to mosque are prohibited. So i got the opportunity to teman husband masuk dalam area mosque. It was almost 2 years since i last masuk mosque for sembahyang raya. And this time alhamdulillah boleh masuk. Here are some photos i took while i’m in. 

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Zayyan’s colouring

 He was supposed to follow the colour code given by the app to colour all the pictures given in the page (doing online) but he ended up colouring it according to his preferences. Which is still cute. And good coz he did not leave it blanks. So here it is, despite he took many shots of the picture, i saved one just to upload it here. So cute !! :)

Friday, May 7, 2021

PKP 3.0 Raya

Yup officially announced on tv. Started yesterday until 17th May 2021. Meaning on our hari raya we cant move anywhere. Duduk je lah kat rumah. I was already sad sbb mcm boleh ke tak nak balik shah alam ni. Tengok dlm list boleh lalu. Hopefully boleh lah kan. :( semoga covid19 ni go away as soon as possible. :(

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Happy labour day 2021

 Its saturday and basically everyone is not working unless u r in the field that needed to work. Ie; hospitals, retails, police, fireman and many more. 

Today husband cooked ayam kapitan with sayur kobis goreng. Lemonade drink and pulut mangga as dessert. My task is to prepare roti sardine and cooked pulut and nasi basmathi. So worried for the outcome. Alhmdulillah it goes well.  :)

P/s: ingat ye: for basmathi, 1 cup beras 1 1/4 cup air ok