Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 28, 2021

Happy birthday zafran!

Alhamdulillah he turned 11 today. Requested for a special “among us” cake. So here we are. Mula2 i mcm serba salah sbb husband mcm tak agree utk have thw custom cake for him. If tak agree just say so. Suka buat org feeling bersalah all the time. Lepas ni for zayyan’s birthday u decide lah semua ok. Hurmm.. :(

I make mini round doughnuts. Tp husband ckp ada yg tak berapa masak dengan betul. Kena check betul2 dulu dalam dia. Hurmmm.. :(

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Another quote i found

 Be cool baby. Love yourself. 

Selang 1 week uncle yed video call

 Thank you uncle yed. Selalu call kitorang kat sini. Saja borak amik tau. Sometimes bila dah besar ni and dah ada family ni mcm kadang2 nak borak pun payah. Nowadays nak jumpa pun lagi lah since pkp ni. Mcm my condition, ada kata sama daerah ada kata daerah lain2. Hurmm.. entahlah. 

My coway machine got problem

 It started like few weeks ago. Air dlm tank cepat noo habis pastu bila nak refill take too long. Yesterday i called the hotline. And make a report. Today the technician came and inspected. Alhamdulillah. Now seems ok. Dia kata motor rosak. Even bunyi motor tu roaming pun dah ada now. Takyah daddy beli air spritzer lagi. :)

Zayyan, zara and of course daddy’s help

Of course lah kan daddy’s help. Tu nampak neat and kemas sket. Right? Buat activity melayan si kecik daddy ckp. Well.. tq lah ye. :)

So many articles nowadays

Psl fart pun ada ye. Tp elok lah tau jugak kan. But it is funny sbb tak penah jumpa selama ni. Sooo i pun gelak besar2 bila jumpa. :)

IKEA drying mat

Was reading through a page then katanya elok untuk ada this thing as a replacement of kain buruk. Tapi dalam masa 1 week tu kena cuci jugak. I am not sure how practical it is. 1 week or 1 day or 1 month. Kita kena try la kan. Just keeping here so i boleh view balik if nak beli nanti. :)

Baking our own butter bun

For fun coz sometimes the kids doesnt know what to eat for tea time. I actually mcm moody sket pagi tu. donno lah. But i told my husband already. He said maybe sbb pkp ni movement limited. Stay umah je. Tu dia ajak beli few barang kat baking supply shop. Nak buat roti katanya. Sooo here it is. Kita pun dah lama tak bake roti. Alhamdulillah. :)

Domino’s pizza

Dah lama tak makan pizza. So we ordered last week. Mcm2 order nya include the Fantastic Four Meal. Alhamdulillah the next day pizza yg tinggal 2-3 sloce tu habis. Reheat in oven je. :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

When daddy tie his hair

 Daddy nak nampak kemas so rambut tak masuk mata. Ended up ikat dua kiri kanan tapi not that balance. Hahahaha.. :) tp it was only for a short while. After that he let it go. Tak nak ikat dah. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Bbq day

Husband said he was bores and wanted to do something to channel his mind off. So he decided to do bbq for tea time. We bought the chicken wings and drumsticks to be eaten for bbq tea time. Zayyan had so much fun. Eating and drinking cold orange juice. Hurmm.. mummy and daddy give chance lah. Hahaha.. :)

Saturday, June 19, 2021

He’s with anxiety

He got bad anxiety yesterday. Sampai semua benda dia nak marah. Last2 tido awal around 10. So when i already clean up, i sapu minyak gamat kat dia the whole body include face and neck. Pastu he continued sleeping smp pagi. :) risau i bila asik ckp pasal anxiety. Yelah. I am not in his position. Money matters. Inshaallah there’s a way. 

Zara’s short bday video

Short video of zara’s bday the other day. I used viva video. Now the kids pun dah tau edit video sendiri guna the same app. Enjoy. :)

Zafran’s school B&K activity

B&k activity is like bimbingan and kaunseling for all abg’s school students. So they got this activity done for all these pupils. He took part in it. Siap color malam tu jugak. And i already send it to the group. Hopefully dpt la gift ye. Sbb ada 1st, 2nd & 3rd prize. Hehehe.. nolah. Just to make sure he took part in it. For fun. :)

Baking brownies

At first, i wanted to buy and then tgk recipe 4-5 times plus check barang2 dlm fridge, and i end up baking one with the help of my small helper (lala tut tut). And terjadilah brownies mummy. :) just i reduce the sugar count by 10gm. And i swap dark chocolate with milk chocolate. Ended up husband and MIL ckp takyah beli, sepp RM40. Ok. Tu compliment ke apa ye? Hahaha..

Monday, June 14, 2021

1st day pdpr for the kids

 Happy berpdpr anak2. Semoga sabar & tabah dlm going through online learning in this pandemic. Love u kids. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Puasa 6 completed

Alhamdulillah. We managed to complete puasa 6 for this year on the 28th syawal. Rasa happy sangat. Alhamdulillah. Semoga tahun depan boleh buat lagi. Aminn. :) kita breakfast dengan nasi briyani from ehsan’s. Daddy belanja. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Zara’s small birthday celebration

We decided to order special cake for her since no big double celebration due to covid ni. And i added fried nuggets and fries for the kids as well. Suka2 sendiri makan. :) well, she really likes her unicorn cake. :) 

Monday, June 7, 2021

Finally - my mee bandung muar

After the other day’s post. Ni dia mee bandung muar dah siap. We used 1 pes of the mee bandung and of course the main ingredient. Daging rebus. Kita rebus selama 2 jam tau. Sbb nak bagi daging tu betul2 lembut and so that air rebusan daging jadi kan mee bandung tu bertambah tambah sedap. In total, i ate 5 mangkuk mee tu tau. Lunch and dinner. Hehehehehe.. :)

Zayyan’s catterpillar

Hahahaha. Panjang ekor catterpillar tu. :)

Happy 9th birthday daughter

Alhamdulillah. She is already 9. No big big celebration coz it is musim covid now. But mummy already ordered special unicorn cake for her. Tunggu delivery pukul 5ptg nnt. Semoga semua dipermudahkan. Amin. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

puasa enam syawal 2021

Alhamdulillah. Today is the 4th day. Buat puasa enam, sekali puasa ganti and monday/thursday puasa sunat terus. So left 2 more days. At first decided to do straight. Tp at last me and husband said kita selang2 lah. So most probably inshaallah next sunday then last is tuesday. Inshallah. :)

Us , watching netflix cerita hantu 👻 . 

Nak pakai semua big sbb dia rs dia dah big

 Itu lah zayyan. He wanted to wear all big sbb dia rasa dia dah besar. Pinjam lah abg& kakak punya. Hehehehe.. ye lah yann.. :)

The most awaited pes

Actually wanting to eat this masa bulan puasa. Pastu told husband. Dia ckp beli lah pes so ramai boleh makan. I pun ye lah yelah. Cari pes and the third day raya ordered through shoppee. Few days pun sampailah. Happy nya. Tp belum masak lagi. The plan was tomorrow for lunch. Esok pagi nk beli brg2 sekali. Yaay! Nnt kita update. How it looks like k. And the taste of course. :)

Nasi goreng telur

Was running out of idea what to cook for lunch or dinner. So i’ve tried the most simplest menu. Nasi goreng telur. Bahan2 senang je, nasi sejuk, bwg merah, bwg putih, cili masak , telur. And here it goes. Licin. Hahahaha... simple je. I like. Next time boleh try lagi.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Day 1 - lockdown


After breakfast, watching tv lah. Tp for d kids dah ada schedule for them to do some exercises for at least 2 hours a day. Daddy take a break before sambung work balik. :)