Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Pool for the kids, bbq for mummy & daddy

Yess that is sooo much true. Biar kids main kolam, kita makan makan makan smp geeemuk. Hahaha. No lah. Makan semana boleh lah. Bukan sampai bentos. Tak elok perangai tu. having this sesh for the kids. Lama noo dok dlm rumah kan. Siann..

Pants shopping

I bought the cheap cheap one je. The one yg boleh pakai kat rumah. Well i dont even have this colour before, husband said choose brighter colour. So, i took one black and one this royal blue colour. Cuns tak? Hahaha. 

Friday, July 30, 2021

Cekodoks making for tea time

Mmmmm is there anyone yg tak makan cekodokss ke. Well for me and kids kalo dihadapkan mmg boleh habis laju ye. Jgn main2. :)

The 3 beradikss

Hello. On a hot day we snap some pictures dulu. Zayyan with his cute sweater. Zara melaram as usual. Zafran the playful one. Well love them three.

Cake decorating tools

Been identifying the tools that needed before i actually buy it. Buy from shoppee of course. Hehehe. So after making few conparisons, it is already on its way tapi mcm lama nya nak sampai lagi. Dah almost seminggu i beli ye. Hehehe.. 

More school work (art work) for zafran

 Since it was a one week break, he still got lots of work to do to catch ups. Basically all subjects. Siapkan yg dua ni lagi. Rumah api and itik. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Ayam golek


Tudiaa ayam golek with stuffing like turkey’s. Well licin lah ayam tu. next time boleh buat lagi.


2 toasted bread (cut into small square)




Thymes, rosemary, parsley

Chicken stock

Salt&pepper (to taste)

Mix altogether pastu sumbat lah dalam ayam tu.

Than bake in oven (my setting) 160 celcius degrees for 25 minutes. And taraaa.. siap!!

Aidiladha 2021

 Still dalam phase 1 for selangor. Kita takde gi mana2 pun. This year we no cook. Mostly MIL and SIL yg masak. Kitorang buat ayam golek. Siap dengan filling like turkey tu. hahahaha.. petang pulak weolls masak varuval lamb. Sedapp makan dgn lemang ye. Alhamdulillah. Here are some photos taken. 

1st dose covid-19 vaccine day

Alhamdulillah. The day has arrived for me and husband to get our vaccine. Together with my brothers as well. We got the notification around 2pm the day before saying that the vaccine date is the next day (which is 15/7/2021 at 10am). I was having lunch pastu terus rasa tak keruan. I was actually having menstrual cramps and headache. After that, lepas dapat tau, dan2 jadi nervous tak tentu pasal. Senyum2 tapi nervous. Got butterfly in my stomach. :| macam2 pikir and then calm down sendiri. After that runsing balik. Pastu calm balik. Hehehe. Petang tu no body combat for me. Kitorang banyak makan2 and makan2 and tengok tv. Sbb kena rest well before vaccine tu. yang ye nya tu nervous lah and risau. Smp nak tido i have to play the counting games. Last2 boleh tido. Planned to cook nasi goreng for breakfast. Kenyang lebih if compare makan roti je. Husband buat telur mata and hot milo. I took like my normal portion tapi tak boleh nak habis. Rasa dah kenyang. Hehehe. Sebenarnya nervous tu. siap2 and off we go. Pesan kat kids kemas katil and mandi and breakfast.

Mulalah our journey to hospital serdang. Dah lama giler kot tak keluar dari kawasan klang/shah alam ni. Alhamdulillah journey went well. Snap pictures kiri kanan. Mcm wow lama nya tak masuk highway. Husband ckp syok cruising kat highway. Kereta pun tak banyak. Nice! Kitorang lalu skve. And surprisingly dah bnyk buildings left and right. Pastu nampak lah tasik. Mcm mmg betul lah dah lama tak lalu sini. Silap2 2 tahun pun ada kan. Hahaha

Sampai destination parking around 9.15. Brothers to arrived few minutes later than us. Tunggu abg rinalfi fetched us all to the hospital area. Ishh my families pun dah lama tak jumpa. Along dah arranged until depan pintu. So bermulalah episode waiting for our turn. From isi form, tunggu assesment dgn officer (dia nak tau ada masalah kesihatan ke tak) pastu terus tunggu untuk briefing by doctor regarding the vaccine yg we are about to take. After that terus beratur untuk tunggu turn di vaccine. Masa tu ada rasa nak pegi toilet sangat. Then tengok2 turn i lagi 4 orang. So i decided to go after the vaccine lah. Sampai turn i kena panggil. Terus selawat bnyk2 kali sbb nervous. If nak kira, dah banyak kali kena inject masa pregnant dulu kan. :) sampai time terus cucuk. Baca selawat lagi. And alhamdulillah dah setel. Lepas tu kena tunggu kat observation room. We all dah separated. So jumpa balik masa dalam observation room tu lah. Husband yg last sekali masuk room tu. sebab dia ada condition wherby he is allergic to certain contents dalam antibiotics tu. tapi alhamdulillah kitorang semua ok. Lepas tu as usual, posing2 and snap pictures dekat booth ckp dah vaccinated. Post wajib lepas vaccine. :) pastu around 12.45 make our way back to klang. Sampai around pukul 2. Dalam kereta tu dah lapar teruk. Lucky along ada bagi bananas. Thank you. So we survived until rumah. Sesampai di rumah, get clean up and mandi semua. Pastu lunch and terus rest. Rasa tangan sebelah tu cam lenguh lah. And also sengal2 bila nak angkat especially pakai baju, sikat rambut and mandi time. Keras kejap tangan kiri tu. :D masa tido pun i tak bagi tangan tu terhimpit sangat. Sangat tak selesa. Petang tu kita order burger king. Malam makan nasi lagi. Lapar dia mmg takleh bawak bincang. Hahahaha. But alhamdulillah we survived til next day. Brothers pun sama ada rasa cam i. Lenguh2 and sengal especially bila nak angkat tangan tinggi2. Hehehe… :) the next dose is in august. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan. 

Overall thank you for the smooth journey. Inshaallah semoga dengan ikhtiar ini, we can go back like dulu. Aaminn. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Baby boy sleeping

Look at him. Bila tidor, sian dia. When he is awake, ada time tu mcm gerammmmnyaaaa dengan dia. 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Beef lasagne for dinner

Wanted to finish the mozarella cheese sebab expired end of this month. So jadi lah lasagne beef my own version dgn cheese yang banyak. Hehehe…

Kids seni homework

Telling the truth, yang lipat2 papers tu semua adalah mummy ye. Macam therapy untuk diri sendiri sbb nak kena lipat sana sini paper tu and lipat betul2 sampai jadi. Kena focus okay. Hahaha.. byw, sila lihat hasilnya. The rest kids yang buat ye. The paper pencil case is zafran’s and the origami letter is zara’s. Purposely choose the yellow A4 paper coz it is shining bright like a star. 

More homeworks to be send

Ada yang dah siap and i forget to send it to the teacher. Hehehe…cannot cam tu. mana dah siap, snap and terus send to the teachers. Bertabahlah kids. Love u!

Monday, July 5, 2021

Vid recording for zafran

 As usual mmg ada tongue twisted or tersalah sebut. Stil so cute. Hahaha.. 

Headphone for the kids

 Kids been eyeing on headphone for sometimes. And disebabkan birthday zafran last monday, he wants that as a gift. Tapi as usual, kuasa veto lah. Adik2 nak pinjam tak boleh sampai daddy and mummy kena sound dia. Amboii kemain dia tak nak share. If adik punya semua dia nak share kan. Last2 adik pakai pun.  Biarlah. Bukan ramai orang pun pakai. And btw, zara pakai sekejap je sbb her ears panas. Hehe… tak biasa pakai. Anyways, weolls pun tak kasi sangat pakai lama2. Worried of their ear drums. Here’s the pic of them both while having online classes.