Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Husband’s Studio Kampong

Today is his first video production session for his band’s music video. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan. Bz betul dia. Hopefully makan tu ontime lah ye. Not too late. Nnt perut masuk angin. All d best!

Hola 20th November

A few more days we are entering the last month of this year. Nanti i will share the happenings in one whole year tapi in short form lah. No lah i explain seluruh nya panjang lebar. Hehehehe.. 

Well today saturday we are just home. Doing things slowly. Slowly i mean bermalas malasa . And now i just had my lunch which i am quite full ye. Mcm terlebih makan. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Been wanting to eat A&W waffle

Dah lama tak makan ni. Tapi mestilah A&W waffle. Either with ice cream or with butter and syrup. And yes tu mmg favourite i since i was small. Mmg i will order waffle if i were there. Nasib bear mascot je takde. Hehehe.. :)

Macam2 lauk

Been experiencing to cook many dishes. From ikan berlada, ikan masak kicap, sup sayur, masak lemak udang and many more. Ada yg tengok resepi from youtube. A bit different from what i’ve thought the wY of cooking it. Tapi bila try ok style baru tu rasa cam lagi sedap. Hehehe. Tapi ntahlah to me lah sedap. Orang lain not sure. :) to more experience with cooking. 

Selfie with husband :)


My 38th birthday

 Alhamdulillah. I turned 38. Planning nak pegi makan dkt luat for dinner celebration tapi we just had it at home. My bongsu si zayyan fever pulak. Fever and flu. Risau kitorang sgt2. I malam mcm tak berapa nak sleep. Risau kan dia. Takut fits mcm haritu. Tapi alhamdulillah demam dia kebah. And i really really really have to put this. When ever sesape datang rumah. Cukup time i must ask zayyan to sleep and also to monitor his water intake. Alhamdulillah. Nothing is the best gift rather than seeing your kids growing healtily and happily. :)

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Alhamdulillah our karya unit cabinet completed

Alhamdulillah. Progresses as we wished. I mean my husband. Hehehe.. dia berkenan sungguh dgn cement render table top for kitchen. So this house is yours. So basically and officially u will have it ur way. Love u!