Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Macam macam lah zara ni

Hahahahaha… :) si number two mummy ni. We went to klcc the other day. Saja bak tgk2 deco. And si zara posing as usual. :)

Zayyan got new haircut

Finally at the last day of year 2022 we got him his haircut. So mula2 mcm alaaa sian dia nk potong rambut. Tp its a must sbb dah nak school. Shayangg si comel busyuk mummy ni. :)

Last day of 2022

Alhamdulillah. It’s been a great year this year. Its already one year after we have moved to our new home. Still banyak lagi kena add-on especially to the kids room. Inshaallah. More to come. Semoga tahun 2023 ni gives more meaningful moments to us. 

Friday, December 30, 2022

KL bird park trip

This time school hols, we decided not to go anywhere outstation. We decided to spend most of our time here in klang valley. So we went to bird park. Mmg tak pernah pergi. We really enjoyed our times there. Almost 5 hours kat sana. Dont worry , they got many pit stops where u can rest to buy water, ice cream, snacks and waffle. For lunch time pun ada special place. Hornbill restaurant. Food dia not bad and kita merasa experience makan with a really nice view of trees and bird. Last last masa nak balik baru nampak burung hornbill yg sarawak tu. if not daddy must take me to sarawak la guys nk tgk real hornbill. Hehehehe…Another place checked. Thanks hubby. Love u! 

Saturday, December 24, 2022

My spotify

 Hahaha this year semua lagu kids je. Tibe2 ada sudirman. Ok this can relate to merdeka time kids ada competition kat school. Pastu top song is Lily. And this zayyan punya. And mine? Hahaha. Ada jugak ;)

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Final world cup 2022

Watching it with hubby and si bongsu. Setakat ni argentina lead. 2-0

All d best!

Thursday, December 15, 2022

My bday present

Tq fir the bday present. By the way, mmg body lotion i pun dah habis. Hehe. Never tried this brand tp wangi jugak. :)

Abah’s 73 birthday

Alhamdulillah for the small dinner gathering. Despite the rain earlier. We managed to get it there. Mkn kat restoran seafood in shah alam. Abah was the one yg excited happily nk mkn kat sana. So i tolong book kan at that place together with the menu. Alhamdulillah most of us are there except cucu 3 orang. Ada school activities. Semoga panjang unur dan dimurahkan rezeki. Shima sayang abah. :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Malaysia’s PRU 15

 Been very excited and nervous teruk sbb 1st time nak pg mengundi ni. Last time tak dpt vote coz my name was not in the database. Ape ke hal padahal register dekat pos ofis tau. Bengang je. Btw the process went smoothly. Went with farid. Bob lambat sbb tido lambat. Huhu. Hope to cast more votes in the future. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Singing competition in school

She made it to the final and she and the rest contestants semua dapat medal. Hahahaha. Boleh lah. Practise hari hari sampai tido pun tak nyenyak. Zafran and zayyan said bising lah kakak ni. ;)

Haritu stay umah MIL zayyan geng paklang

Memacam dia buat kat paklang. Pasang lagi blackpink lah, hahahaha. Jdilah. :)

My new indoor exercise shoes

Well that’s true. Sbb the pink one i use it for outdoor walking already. So if nak workout indoor kena ada spare ones lah. So tq hubby belanja satu pair of new shoes lagi. This time purple & grey pulak. Hehehehe