Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Sibuk si abg ni nk beratkan badan

Everday mesti nk check weight dia. Pastu dia happy if ada increament. Well, its good for u son! Semoga membesar dengan sihat dan cergas! Aminn!

Booster jab

After listening to others opinion, and reading and checking and thinking. We said ok lah amik booster jab ni. Me and husband got on the same day and place. Berhuhu haha lah kejap 1-2 days ni. Alhamdulillah today the third day after vaccine. First two days, mmg rasa nak demam tak demam. Seram sejuk. Mmg kena makan panadol nak bagi rasa selesa. And we all try jugak lawan sikit2. Tak baring melepek je. Tapi we all stop work out dulu lah for 2 weeks. Inshaallah baik2 sahaja. :)

It’s nearly a month

Alhamdulillah. It’s nearly a month we lived in our new place. Adapting to new things, new rules, new arrangements, and yesss still so many cleaning, decluttering and arranging need to be done. 

Yes! Minimalist is our concept of place. So from living hall to kitchen to bedrooms everything must be minimalist. Actually secara tak langsung kan it helps us to maintain the house easily. 

Our room in MIL house still ada barang barang lagi. Sikit2 clearing things up. Slowly but surely lah. Sekarang kena kemas dua2 sekali lah.

Inshaallah. Mission belum accomplished ye. ;)

Monday, January 24, 2022

Slime floor art with kids

Let them be. Main slime on the floor. Zara boleh nmpk shape kucing. Zayyan punya tak tau. Mcm elephant pun ada. Hehehe..

Jemput abang from school, diorang sibuk nak tapau kuih

Mummy belanja cokodok and donats. Budak2 banyak makan cokodok. I makan donat. :) pastu pegi school abang fetch dia. This time awal ye bang. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Sunday, January 9, 2022

Lil zayyan

Sian dia. 2 nights no nyek coz mummy teman kakak at the hospital. Alhamdulilah when kakak is back, dia lah paling banyak cakap. Soooo talkative. Ask so many questions, nyek non-stop. Sian dia. Sampai ada 1 mlm tu termengigau ingat mummy kat hospital lagi. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Hopefully zara can discharge by today

Doctor kata kena buat ultrasound buah pinggang. Tengok pada diagram kat screen tadi. Langsung tak paham. Inshaallah semuanya baik2 aja. Have faith in Allah. :) in the same time, my heart rasa sad wanted to cry. Nak hug husband je sekarang. :(

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

1st time cooking in karya house

Hehehe roti telur je. Testing new stove, nonstick pan and sudip and semuanya lah. 
Lunch tu masak nasi goreng and maggie. :)

Baru few days stayed in rumah karya, zara got warded

Anak dara sorang ni. Alhamdulillah. She’s getting better and hopefully by today she can discharge from the hospital. Dah bnyk ragam nya. Panjat sana, baring sana, golek sana sini. Alhmdulillah back to normal. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Waking up to see these

Hahahaha.. so cute. Alhamdulillah. We managed the 1st night together. Siap ada fireworks sbb malam new year. Ni memasing tengah tido when i woke up this morning.