Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Semalam dekat workshop

Repair kereta viva.. driveshaft dia problem. Rasa drive kereta tu mcm longgar. Pastu rasa gegar2 bila corner and even drive straight. Alhamdulillah dah setel semalam jugak. I sampai ngantuk2 tunggu kat workshop tu. last2 bila siap i reward myself with MAGNUM icecream yang original. Heheheh. Oklah bye!

Almost last day of march

The first quarter almost end tomorrow. Beginning of new month and new quarter. Tapi the most nervous one is the coming Ramadhan month which is going to start this Sunday. Semoga dipermudahkan semuanya. Amin. 

Kids started going to school already after almost 12 months or mmg lah 1 year tu. we decided to send them plus nak kena pulang buku teks last year lagi. So pegi je lah. Semoga anak2 mummy sentiasa dalam pelihara-Nya . Aminnn. :)

Daddy busy sikit this 3-4 weeks. Forgot to mention he got slip disc last 2 weeks. Sekarang kena control movement dia sikit. Hari tu siap tuam belakang lagi. Sian dia :( semoga dipermudahkan urusan jugak.

To mummy. Sentiasa busy. Bila kerja rumah nak siap pun tak tau ;) sentiasa ada especially dapur. Hehehehe..

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Finger got cut

Monday then Tuesday tetiba ada cut at my mummy finger. So on tuesday & wednesday kita pakai fork and spoon to have lunch and dinner. Include suap zayyan jugak. Wonder apa yg i buat dkt rumah. Hehehe

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Hello March

Alhamdulillah. Moving into the mid of the month. Still busy cleaning and rearranging things at home. Kemas, masak, play with kids, shouting, sleeping and a pile of clothes ready to be fold. Hahahahaha. At times where i got 4 bags to fold, tapi ended up siap juga akhirnya. :) 

Currently we got no clothing cabinet. Just few boxes i bought for ourselves and to maximise the usage of thw box. Mcm dah malas nak beli barang banyak2 lagi. Tp bila tengok or browse home decorations i feel like i wanna shop more. Hurmmm… nanti dulu lah ye. Slowly ok. Banyak lagi nak kena buat if nak kemas betul2 rumah ni. Sekarang mmg kena amalkan konsep taknak kita recycle or throw. Nak bagi kat org lain mcm org pun tak nak. :)