Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Colouring competition at raya open house

Itu lah dia. Ada activity for the kids. Hope they had fun. Tapi hdiah nya pun banyak jajan. Hehehehehe..daddy pulak jadi mc terjun. :)

Short 1 day trip to KL

Yang ye nyaaa weolls ikut husband sbb dia nak amik award from ofis thru annual dinner. So we pun bersiap bagai. Include swimming attire. Malam tu siap dinner kat KLcc. Kita being tourist. Jalan kaki je ke sana. Jadilah. Bawak kids jalan2x waktu malam. :)

More raya photos


 Alhamdulillah. Celebrating the month of syawal in new place i called home. Still belum complete sepenuhnya. Inshaallah. Slowly. :)

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

House update: wall clock

Dah lama dah ada actually. We bought it in bulan ramadhan. The 2nd week actually. So takde lah lama sgt sebenarnya. :) most places ada except bilik abg sbb we nak replace kat hall dgn yg lain punya. This photo punya is in master bedroom. Kebetulan matching dgn langsir. :)

Travelling back for raya after covid-19

Dah lama tak travel balik kampung for raya after covid. So husband decided to balik kampung dia. And the timing was changed to early in the morning. We started our journey around 7.40am despite of hujan lebat since early morning. And alhamdulillah we sampai kampung around 12pm lepas ada stop 2-3 tempat siap makan nasi lagi. Hahahaha… till the next post. :)

Monday, May 2, 2022

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

The date is like being push forward 1day ahead than what has been plotted in the calender. So macam rasa isshhhj dah lama tak lalu benda2 terkejut ni. Like when i was still in primary school. And now it happens again. But with my kids around. Diorang mcm super excited, terkejut, pelik, and semua lah. :) 

Mummy and daddy pun lagi lah terkejut. Lucky barang masak dah beli awal. Malam semalam u can see all thw pasar starts to operate balik mcm pagi sbb org tgh panice nak beli ayam daging and all the ingtedients to cook for raya. And as for me, yes we all dah settle. Tapi tengah syok2 masak, tiba2 gas i habis lah . Dah pukul 11 ni. Last2 husband kluar jugak n managed to get it after the 3rd store. Alhamdulillah. 

Start to cook again at almost 12. Sambung masuk2. Campur dah lupa next step apa pulak tu yeh. :)

But alhamdulillah semua pun siap akhirnya. Alcamour cleaning, ironing to be done the next morning. Semoga dapats maintain je kalo tak cukup tido ni.