Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Malaysia’s PRU 15

 Been very excited and nervous teruk sbb 1st time nak pg mengundi ni. Last time tak dpt vote coz my name was not in the database. Ape ke hal padahal register dekat pos ofis tau. Bengang je. Btw the process went smoothly. Went with farid. Bob lambat sbb tido lambat. Huhu. Hope to cast more votes in the future. 

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Singing competition in school

She made it to the final and she and the rest contestants semua dapat medal. Hahahaha. Boleh lah. Practise hari hari sampai tido pun tak nyenyak. Zafran and zayyan said bising lah kakak ni. ;)

Haritu stay umah MIL zayyan geng paklang

Memacam dia buat kat paklang. Pasang lagi blackpink lah, hahahaha. Jdilah. :)

My new indoor exercise shoes

Well that’s true. Sbb the pink one i use it for outdoor walking already. So if nak workout indoor kena ada spare ones lah. So tq hubby belanja satu pair of new shoes lagi. This time purple & grey pulak. Hehehehe

Hubby’s skin tag removal

He finally got his skin tag removed at a spa near kota kemuning. Banyak ada, and the most iritating one is the one at his neck. For less than an hour, the procedure is done. Alhamdulillah. Recovery only need to pit the antobiotic cream. Semoga cepat sembuh. 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Happy 39th birthday to me

Alhamdulillah . Another year older. The day went by as usual. Kids to school. Cleaning the house. Doing laundry. Play with kids. And later for dinner went to abah and mama’s house for simple dinner celebration. We bought nasi gorengs, lauk sikit and of course cake. Thank you hubby. So happy get to celebrate it with my parents. :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Happy 1st november

Well here we are. At MiL’s house for three nites due to the smell of the chemical in our house. Tak elok pun kan bau dia. :( last night i mcm x leh nak sleep. Ntah the reason why. Husband said runsing. Tp i nak runsing apa ye. So i zikir bnyk2 and keep closing my eyes. Tau2 dah pagi. Hehehehe.. pastu back flow teruk. Huhu