Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Party with rooty bear

Alhamdulillah! The party is well done! The invitations, the food, the guests and most importantly rooty bear. So happy looking at zara’s face. Dia rasa happy sgt sbb semua most of kawan dia yg jemput sume datang. :) 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Happy 11th birthday zara dear!

 Alhamdulillah. She is 11 today. And she remembers her birth date exactly and tak sabar nya itu adalah bday dia. Told her one/two fren that today is her bday and she said tak sabar nak amik hadiah banyak2. :) this morning requested to have a bfast outside. So we pegi lah makan roti canai. Thats what she like. Simple aje. Nanti dgn daddy pulak ye. Selamat ulangtahun. Mummy syg adik!