Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Teman mummy to wedding ceremony

Abang teman mummy sebab daddy outstation. Dia banyak tanya sebab wedding ni bukan malay. Giving him the experience and now he knows. 

Last day of november

It is the last day of november and we are reaching the end of the year. And today i am on MC. My tummy hurts so bad that i can barely sit properly. Asyik nak picit perut so tak rasa sakit sangat.:( dah jumpa doctor. And now recovering. Maybe ada timing salah makan tu yg dia melarat teruk. Kena be alert and careful balik esoecially time lunch. :( thanks husband tolong bawak car fetch kids semua. Love u!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Dia pun nak berbody project

Body project is one of mine and husband’s indoor exercise workout. Started when we were in mco coz we cant fo out to the park. So since 2001 and now 2023. Technically masa tu zayyan dah 4 tahun. Since dia kecik tengok kitorang buat gilir-gilir, dia pun sama lah, nak buat sendiri. Nak workout jugak. :) yelah yelah. Cuma kena make sure minum air cukup. Pastu shortly tengok dah tido. Kepenatan rasanya tu. Hehehehe :)

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Teman anak dar beli home decor

Since dah ada bilik sendiri ni, macam2 nak dibelinya. So we ended up buying her some deco lights and air purifier. Semoga lagi rajin kemas bilik ye. :) abang je belum decide nak lampu macam mana. Kejap led, kejap yg switch on bulb je, macam2 :).

Friday, November 3, 2023

Officially 40 today

Alhamdulillah! I am officially 40 years old. Yess 4 series now. No more 2 series, no more 3 series, welcoming 4 series now. Semoga sentiasa bahagia, ceria, sihat, tenang,  sabar & sabar dalam apa jua situasi. Inshaallah. Semoga yang baik2 aje. Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih Allah. Terima kasih mak dah lahirkan dan besarkan shima sampai umur 40 tahun ni. To abah for all the upbringings, to my husband, and all the kids, mummy love u oll very much! This few days or weeks memang mudah noo nak shes tears. Terlebih emotional kata zara. :) 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Happy november

We are reaching end of the year ready. In less than 2 months. Semoga banyaknya improvement dalam diri ini and for my kids as well. Semoga the days coming are better each day by each day. Inshaallah.