Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Last weekend in September 2024

Husband is away for work. Managed to complete 2 days of puasa ganti (monday and thursday). Done pulut kuning sebab hari tu dah khatam quran. Planning to do so. Kids busy with school project. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Happy 41st birthday yang!

Wishing u a happy wonderful birthday! Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, diberi kesihatan yg baik, dimakbulkan doa, sayang u! 

This week dia mc. Slip disc. Risau dia tu. Kena tuam balik. And kena extra careful especially in every step. Once kena slip disc, doctor ckp it is repetitive. So kena sentiasa berjaga-jaga.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Waze’s icon with msian flag

Yess maybe i just realised it today. Padahal evryday on je waze tu eventhough timing nak drive tu lagi 2 hours. Nak tengok traffic condition la kat luar camne. Tadi baru perasan ada malaysian flag. Hahaha. Cute dia ye. :)

My route so cringe

Hahahahaha… bersimpang siur ye track tu. I mean track tu biasa bentuk oval tapi i yg jalan pusing sana sini belok sana sini. So terjadi lah roite tu. Takyah save lah. Just screen shot sbb nak post in blog. :) to the more of briak walking and jogging.  Hehehehe

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Happy Malaysia Day

Every 16 september we will be having malaysia day. Apart from merdeka day on 31st august. My kids took part in their school sempena bulan kemerdekaan and malaysia. Jadilah. Both zayyan & zara dpt saguhati. Zayyan for singing conpetition, congratss. Lets continue making memories be it with family, at school and with friends. :)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Entering September

In three months time we will be entering year 2025. And like what?? A quarter of 100 years is reaching. A week of September has passed. Last week my boys were having cough. Semoga segera sembuh. Inshaallah. Tiga hari off school. Kesian. Ayyan lah batuk agak kuat. Sian dia. Get well soon. Ada beli buku resipi cakess nak try tp tak try lagi. :)

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Selamat Hari Merdeka ke-67

We were on our short trip to husband’s cousin wedding in Kuantan. A 3 days 2 nights trip together with in-laws family were fine and cool. Especially to kids. Sampai main yang pelik pelik dekat swimming pool. Luckily and hoping that nothing worse could happened. We cant really enjoy swimming pool session coz there are so many people in the pool. So i just did lepak tepi pool. Masuk dlm sikit2 and main pasir kat laut. Nak kata swimming sgt tu takdelah. Hahaha..  traffic going to ok. Tapi balik ke klg valley agak jammed. Especially lepas karak menghala ke gombak. Almost 2 hours. Tau tau sampai our area 9 something. Terus pegi dinner and call it off for the day. Rasa mcm nak baring and tido je time tu. Laundry can wait till the mext day. :)

Friday, August 23, 2024

Alhamdulillah kids are recovering

Both zara & zafran. Recovering. Almost a week jugak. Starting from zara. Tekak tak best pastu demam plus headache. She recovering pastu zafran and myself. Alhamdulillah i feel much better today. Abang ada batuk sikit2 je tinggal lagi. Bought him the gula gula hacks. Speedy recovery chitom. Dut..dut..dudududut… hahahaha . Rhytm to alvin and the chipmunks. :)

Guess what, my mood this few days mcm ups and downs. Mcm malas nak layan dia. Better dia duduk diam2 go and do something else. :) 

Catching up with emily in paris season 4. Within 2 days dah habis ye. Hahaha.. kalo dulu even 5-6 episode boleh masuk sebulan lebih nak abiskan. Now boleh terus habiskan ye. :) on to the next movie.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Its zayyan 7th birthday

Alhamdulillah. He is already seven. Entering another phase in life. From a toddler to an older kid. Mummy loves u very much! My lalesaur. That boy who is obsessed with animals particularly dinosaurs. :)))) 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Happy 15th anniversary

Alhamdulillah. Another year pass through. Bila sampai anni terus rasa nak sebak nak nangis. Its not short to come to this number. And still tak lama compare to our parents. :( tapi alhamdulillah for what it is. Even ada terasa ke nak sentap ke emosi ke merajuk ke. Macam2 lah. Wifey doakan semoga husband selalu dalam rahmatnya. Dipanjangkan umur, dipermudahkan urusan, dikurniakan rezeki dari tempat yg x disangka, dan dimakbulkan doanya. Amin. 

More years to come. Inshaallah. This year ada pegi makan tp takde picture together. Hehehe.. picture ayyan je ada. :)

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Hello august

4 more months before the year ends. And macam rasa soooo fast. Its like apa eh i have achieved in this past 3 months? Kena lebih improve myself (praying, quran reading, fasting) do those pending errands (clean up, tidy up, recycle centre, coin box). Part time, freelancing. Whoosh. Banyaknya. :) thats why kena plan ahead kan. Or else mmg takde lah nak settle. :) inshaallah. 

This month of august is also my favourite month, wedding anniversary, zayyan’s birthday, mama’s birthday. 

Semoga dipermudahkan urusan kita semua. Amiinn. :)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Again ~ in dilemma.

When it comes to selecting the next level of school (primary to secondary), i am in a huge dilemma. Now zara is entering smk level soon. Whether to put her to boarding school or put her into sekolah harian biasa. When i ask her dad, the answer is no. When he asked me again, i will have the 50-50 answer. Part of me say yes pegilah nak. To gain more exposure, more friends, dapat faham lebih on all the subjects being taught, can go more with sukan.. more independent. Tapiiii another 50% mcm takyah lah, still small. Sekolah je sekolah harian tapi discipline kena lebih. Sebab kat rumah ada banyak benda boleh distract. Tv, tiktok, game, toys… hahaha. Nanti biarlah bila dia dah habis spm, boleh lah masuk asrama. :)

Zara’s sports day

Last year in primary school. She collected another 3 medals for her collection. Penat dah lari olahraga. Anywaysss, congratulations!! Semoga in secondary school boleh continue olahraga journey lagi. :)

Friday, July 26, 2024

Few items sold online

Used items and alhamdulillah. Managed to sell those toys/shoes. Yang lambat sikit nak jalan is baju clothes. Dah banyak attempt tapi masih ada dlm stocks. Mmm… maybe fashion items as well like necklace and earings. Yeah! I found it not many views on the items i put on sale. Kalo non clothing line, laju je org tanya. Tapi takpe. I put a timeline. If takde jugak means i kena derma or send at recycle centre. Itu pun jat rumah dah penuh satu bag. :)

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jalan jalan see nature

We are about to go to nowhere. No idea no planning. So here we go. To the nature. Tapi tak prepare apa2 barang pun. Just go and enjoy nature as it is. Celul2 tangan dalam sungai. Ok dah tu. :) pastu makan2 and balik. :)

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sports day zayyan

His team managed to get the third place. So ada lah dpt medal eventhough it is not gold. Hehehehe. Ist experience for him. Semoga next next year dapat join lagi. :) and get more medals for his own collection. :)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

the day i decided to wash my car, it rains heavily.

Ok bertabahlah. Janji dalam dah clean. Dgn tissue. Habuk kuih bahulu, pasir, tanah and many more. Nanti cuci lagi. :)

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Salam Maal Hijrah 1446H

Alhamdulillah. For another great year! Semoga tahun baru more improvement in self being. Love ya self! 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Happy July

Here we are in a new month. Alhamdulillah getting the vibes to start walking back. The past 2 weeks seminggu sekali je. Tapi minggu ni dapat 3 kali. Yaay!! Next week tak tau lagi. Hopefully dapat lagi 3 kali seminggu. :)

Kids bz at school. Mcm biasa. Zara baru lepas habis mid exam. Zayyan sports day coming soon. Mcm2 latihan sukaneka dia. Semoga be the best on that day. :)