Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Zafran’s 14th birthday

Alhamdulillah. He is 14 this year. From the smallest tiny weeny machitom and now dah tinggi dah nak potong mummy’s height dah. And now alhamdulillah he is recovering. From batuk, flu, demam, eye infection and leg injury. Doctor pun ckp bulan june ni 3x dia pegi clinic seek for advice. Kecingan machitom. Semoga diberikan kesihatan yg baik, panjang umur, murah rezeki & berjaya di dunia akhirat. Love babam!

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

My eldest not feeling well

Started with injured toe nail, then cough, then eye infection, then cough, fever and slight flu. Ya Allah! Kau sembuhkan lah anakku Muhamad Zafran Marican Bin Muhamad Faiz Marican. Sihatkan lah dia seperti sedia kala. Aminn. InshaAllah. Positive thinking, good food, with proper medication, treatments and rest. Yang lain serahkan to Allah. 

Eventhough he is already 14 years old, tapi rasa sometimes dia still small. My heart kadang2 rasa sayu je tgk dia tak sihat. Kalo dah sihat tu mmg menyakat je lah keje nya. 

Get well soon machitom!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Salam Aidiladha 2024

Get to celebrate the raya this year: and my menu stays. Nasi impit & kuah kacang. Planning to learn to cook rendang daging pulak lps ni. Saya cuba ye!! Hehe.. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Puasa awal bulan zulhijah

 Alhamdulillah. Managed to fast for one day. Actually wanting to do one more day tapi mcm x larat. Plus i dah period. So dpt satu hari je dah happy. First time doing it. Puasa zulhijjah. Banyak kelebihan di bulan zulhijjah ni. Inshaallah. Dah start pasang angan-angan. :) semoga dipermudahkan. Aminn. :)

Happy birthday zara

It was her 12th birthday. Semoga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, rajin belajar, rajin solat, berjaya di dunia & akhirat. :)

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Welcome new month - June

Its a new month. Alhamdulillah. Going through the starting days in June. Kids going back to school after a week of school hols. We did not go anywhere particular coz main reason! We just got back from a 2 weeks soul searching holiday :) visiting the prophet and also to perform umrah. And also currently husband wasnt really fully recover from cough & flu. Get well soon yang! Love ya! :)

To create more moments together with the kids.