Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Waze’s icon with msian flag

Yess maybe i just realised it today. Padahal evryday on je waze tu eventhough timing nak drive tu lagi 2 hours. Nak tengok traffic condition la kat luar camne. Tadi baru perasan ada malaysian flag. Hahaha. Cute dia ye. :)

My route so cringe

Hahahahaha… bersimpang siur ye track tu. I mean track tu biasa bentuk oval tapi i yg jalan pusing sana sini belok sana sini. So terjadi lah roite tu. Takyah save lah. Just screen shot sbb nak post in blog. :) to the more of briak walking and jogging.  Hehehehe

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Happy Malaysia Day

Every 16 september we will be having malaysia day. Apart from merdeka day on 31st august. My kids took part in their school sempena bulan kemerdekaan and malaysia. Jadilah. Both zayyan & zara dpt saguhati. Zayyan for singing conpetition, congratss. Lets continue making memories be it with family, at school and with friends. :)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Entering September

In three months time we will be entering year 2025. And like what?? A quarter of 100 years is reaching. A week of September has passed. Last week my boys were having cough. Semoga segera sembuh. Inshaallah. Tiga hari off school. Kesian. Ayyan lah batuk agak kuat. Sian dia. Get well soon. Ada beli buku resipi cakess nak try tp tak try lagi. :)