Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010


its end of the month

dont want to talk about work coz month end will be very bz for me. but this time around i am soooo nervous. know y? coz dh nk masuk bulan 5. meaning tinggal brape weeks je b4 i deliver my sweetheart baby in my tummy ni. semoga semuanye selamat. aminn..

i tgh baca buku lagi. barang ade sket lagi kene beli tapi tak tau bile nk beli. my husband is alwiz bz with his work work work. bukannye i merungut. sometimes i rasa cam ala... asyik sibuk je. mcm takde time untuk i. pastu nnt i kene tggl sengsorang. takde org nk borak kat umah. pastu kalo die bz die pun cam tk nk cakap ngan i sgt. sooo.. the best thing is i takyah la kaco die. baik i baca buku ke ape ke. do my own thing.bile lapar makan, bile ngantuk tido.

sometimes i dont understand man. n i also know that man also sometimes dont understand woman. diorang ckp diorang paham tapi sebenarnye tak paham. sometimes things are better left unsaid. juz for your own view. hhmm.. ape ni sometimes, sometimes, sometimes..hehe..

oklah.. i nk mandi ni..or shud i masak dulu. think so masak dulu la. til we meet again in the next post. wait.. nnt i upload gambar i preggie. hehe.. tak sangka.. nmpk dh tummy i dh besar. hehe..

wan munira

my newborn niece.. about 67 days has peacefully passed away on tuesday 27/4/10. i was so sad when my sis said that in the phone. i was at the ofis at that time n i can't help myself but to cry. been trying to call my husband tapi die tak angkat. time tu dh mcm2 i pk. mcm die mmg sengaja tak nak angkat my call. pastu lps i msg bole plak call balik. padahal bunyi fon ringing lagi kuat dari bunyi msg. pape la. malas nk pk. sumtimes tu kalo hhhmmm..hmmm.... dh malas nak membebel di petang jumaat ni. better i story bout other things. then we went to sis house. i sedekahkan yassin, ayat kursi n fatihah kat munira. semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat. rest peacefully there. nnt tolong mummy ye. =( next day i was on EL. jenazah nk dimandikan n dikapankan. mmg sebak la time tu. tapi dad tak allowed me to go to kubur. so i just rest kat my sis house with another sis. mum pun tak pegi. takpela.. i doakan semoga semuanye berjalan dgn lancar.

* to my sis: told her to banyak2 bersabar. bnyk2 berdoa. setiap kejadian yang berlaku mesti ade hikmahnye.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

saturday at home

yesternite i was sooo damn sleepy. time maghrib takleh nak handle. lepas je maghrib ape lagi tertido kat depan tv smp hubby blk almost 9pm. pastu i sambung tido balik dlm bilik til 10pm sebab uncle ayed dtg umah. ade keje nk wat ngan hubby. i terjaga, bangun mandi then makan. tu pun tak habis. tapi time makan tu ngantuk lagi smp makan pun ala kadar je sebab nk lapik perut. nnt syian baby saye. lps mkn minum yg secukupnye then saye pun tido la balik smp almost 2am shi-shi then tido balik smp kul 9 this morning.

pagi ni bfast wat jemput2 ikan bilis. i happy sgt sbb jemput2 i dh split. sblm ni wat die tak nak split. maybe salah step kot. pastu bfast sesame. for lunch i cooked kari ikan n ikan goreng. hehe.. my sis bagi recipe die. nijap lagi nk wat agar2 sirap santan plak. hehe.. syok plak. masak memasak ni.

hhmm..lagi i wat pe? kemas umah sket2. tuka cadar, basuh baju, lipat baju..n oh yes i dh start tampal parking claim. next week bole submit. yoohoo..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

bole tak nak tulis tapi takde topic.
no purpose..
haha.. okaylah. nak baring dh. i sudey lenguh ni. chiow!

wait...an old pic.. hahaha...

yang b4 u upload i cilok dulu. hehehe.. jgn marah ye..hehehe...

daddy's angry

oopss... sebab mummy belum mandi and dh pukul 845pm. so mummy kene stop jap mandi, pray and then dinner. i mkn yong tau foo.. mak ru wat. at first i ingat yong tau foo yg kuah kicap tu tapi ni sup..mmm... ape lagi.. sedap la.. mmg kene dgn tekak yang batuk2 sket ni. hehe...

this morning i went for the next check up. skang dh kene check 2 minggu sekali sebab baby dh masuk 7 months. fusshh.cepatnye masa berlalu. tup tup dh 7 bulan. tinggal roughly 2 bulan lagi or about 10 weeks lagi. i ade la nervous nervous ni tapi i selalu doa kat Tuhan and insya-Allah mudah-mudahan semuanye selamat. Amin. nway masa check tadi, berat i turun 1 kg. maybe sebab i batuk kan. BP okay. juz i kene tambah kan darah coz i a bit pucat. so doctor ade prescrbe i ubat zat besi tapi die ckp kene minum bnyk air, makan bnyk buah so tak kene sembelit la. macam susah nk buang air besar. tapi hubby ckp takpe kite kurangkan makan pil. we will go for natural source like hati, kerang, daging merah, sayur hijau and insya-Allah die will get back to normal. doctor tadi nk scan muka baby. tapi bile dh dpt doctor then nk snap tak dpt, blur. hehe.. hubby gelak je kat perangai baby yg cute tu. n doctor ckp baby i ni active la. hehe.. kecik2 chonet. chommell cam daddy n mummy die. shayang baby mummy ni. hari ni tak nyanyi lagi kat die. i bercakap je sebab sket2 nk batuk. tapi takpe nnt mummy will sing for you okay darling. lain2 baby semua normal. alhamdulillah. kalo ikut kira period my due date wil be on 3rd july tapi doctor suruh standby since 22 june. 2 weeks early. maybe nnt dh towards end of may i akan decide bile nk cuti ok. yg tu kene discus ngan hubby lagi. n guess so my boss is okay. so far alhamdulillah he understands my situation la.

ari ni pun besday mum-in-law. tadi after check up we gi beli cake. pastu mak masak nasi ayam. hubby's eldest sis teragak nak makan. n btw she is also pregnant. congrats to her for her 2nd pregnancy. so tadi lepas semayang lunch sesame then potong cake. i kenyang sgt ok. makan sampai tambah 3 kali nasi. uishh...uissh...sampai u bole imagine tak i takleh nk duduk. mengah. kena jalan. so dh jalan2 takleh la nk tido. i pun tgk la tv smp ard 5 pastu i pun tetido depan tv. tapi tak sure sape tutup tv. alamak cam segan la plak. hehehe..mesti my father-in-law. hehe.. =) around 6pm hubby kejut.. cuci muka, then tgk syafiq nk naikkan wau. tak ade sangat angin so die naik tak tinggi sangat. tapi macam syok plak. i ni cam tak penah tgk orang main layang2 or wau. tapi mmg betul la. tgk pun dlm tv. tak penah ade experience cam tadi. syok =)

oklah.. i nak main farmville.. talk to you in the next post. til then adios and gud nite!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


batuk dan selsema semakin sembuh. hari ni i dh start work. but stil on medication. still being precautious of wat to eat and wat not. well.. i must alwiz be precautious kan. takleh amik any food sesuka hati. well hari ni dinner kat luar makan sea food. kerang bakar, sup seafood and sayur plus nasi kosong. air suam je minum. kenyang. alhamdulillah. tadi baru byr maxis. ni nk browse 2 web dresses lak. okaylah.. till then.. adios!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i'm on EL

yerp.. today the second day of the week. i'm taking EL. hopefully today i dpt recover much more and tomoro can start work again. i dont want my hubby n baby feel worried bout me coz i am not feeling well. skang yg tggl batuk sket2 and flu sket la. n i skang cannot really smell or taste coz my flu. at times je la. antibiotic kene habiskan. hubby pun tak brape sihat. die kene sengal2 kat butt smp kaki. syian die. hopefully he is getting better soon too. love him so much.
btw, umah we all ade tambah satu deco baru. fishy. nnt i snap pic and upload. semalam i ckp kat baby look baby ade fishy. mesti baby pun suke kan tgk fishy swim sane swim sini. hehe.. oklah.. i nk bfast pastu nk makan ubat flu. baca buku sket nak rest. hopefully i am getting better too. insya-Allah.

Friday, April 9, 2010

a week has passed

sekejap je time jln. tup tup dh seminggu. now it is 3.45pm. wat am i doing at home? well.. i'm on mc. cough n sore throat. ubat dh mkn. cuma tak comfortable sket la. hubby dh pegi keje balik. tadi he is back for lunch. after gi clinic pagi tadi i trus tapau lauk. balik tadi vacuum n mop umah sket sbb cam dh habuk.. pastu masak nasi. while tgk tv ingat nk blog kejap. hehe..hopefully batuk i ni semakin reda la. syian baby.. mummy batuk die pun mesti tergoyang2 kan. hehe.. die dh pandai tau. knock2 perut mummy die. syg baby n daddy so much.

last sunday we gi sogo. tgk barang2 and ade la beli beberapa baju 4 baby. 2 baju penguin, 1 pair short sleeve and another one long sleeve. pastu mama bagi lampin. so nnt nk kene wash n simpan dalam bag tp bag die takde lagi. kene discuss ngan hubby nak gune bag ape.

last saturday gi putrajaya. ade wedding pastu food dh habis so we all makan la kat area masjid tu. snap2 pics tapi tak dpt upload lagi. ade ngan syafiq. nnt nk ask from him la.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

i'm in love

new month

i'm in april 2010 now meaning i got like 2 more months b4 my delivery time. well, i'm a lil bit nervous. hehe.. i'm now at home. hubby went for golf with his frens and ade satu guess yg tetibe nk join. nak tau sape? my dad la. sape lagi. hehehe.. hope he'll enjoy the session at driving range today.

i nak tgk tv la ni. ngantuk pun ade. nnt i update k. chiow!