Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i'm on EL

yerp.. today the second day of the week. i'm taking EL. hopefully today i dpt recover much more and tomoro can start work again. i dont want my hubby n baby feel worried bout me coz i am not feeling well. skang yg tggl batuk sket2 and flu sket la. n i skang cannot really smell or taste coz my flu. at times je la. antibiotic kene habiskan. hubby pun tak brape sihat. die kene sengal2 kat butt smp kaki. syian die. hopefully he is getting better soon too. love him so much.
btw, umah we all ade tambah satu deco baru. fishy. nnt i snap pic and upload. semalam i ckp kat baby look baby ade fishy. mesti baby pun suke kan tgk fishy swim sane swim sini. hehe.. oklah.. i nk bfast pastu nk makan ubat flu. baca buku sket nak rest. hopefully i am getting better too. insya-Allah.

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