Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, December 4, 2010

good morning!

hey..how's life. i'm fine here. juz ade time rs lenguh2 kat neck. maybe salah bantal. it is saturday today. meaning mummy cuti. tapi mummy bangun awal. pump susu. hhmm.. risau plak. susu tinggal bout 5 packets je lagi. so weekend ni mummy nak pump extra bout 2 to 3 so ade la spare. hhmm.. time flies so fast. now dah december 2010. we got like 26 more days to new year. i again will be leavin 2010 with thousand of stories which involves happy, sad, anger n love. talking bout love.. i now rasa sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt (infinity) rindu kat husband i. tapi everytime when i kp i rindu die die cam reply sounds like cam tanak reply. i miss dgr die ckp i love u kat i. dulu i penah ckp kat die tapi die ckp kan..when we are together that means i love u la. hmm.. ok.. takpe.. mummy dah grown up. maybe i hve to fight this feelings n wat tak tau je. lagi best.

let's jump to d next topic. that is my sweetheart aka chitom mummy. he is now already 5 months old. alhamdulilah. moga panjang umur n murah rezeki. mummy wil always pray for u ok baby boy. that day bawak ie pegi inject third dose of 3 serangkai and hep b. after that badan die mybe like wan die ckp "bisa-bisa" guess so 3rd dose tu kuat sket. die merengek je. cian die. pastu yang i lagi risau rashes die quite bad ok kat area neck. pastu plus die garu2. rasa nak pakaikan je balik sarung tangan. talking bout tangan.. die ni suke sgt masuk tgn dlm mulut. even after menyusu cam lapar sgt. n talking bout lapar some orang ckp dh bole kasi die makan dh. hhmm.. biarla orang lain with their own opinion and say. wat i wil stick to is my baby tetap intro to solid food bile umur die 6 months. tapi kalo ikut date 28th dec. but i want it to be officially 1st jan 2011. so i can blog bout it later. i'm searching about lots of other baby's things over the internet. pasal2 lain tolak tepi eventho ade intention nak do online shopping for diri sendiri. hehehe.. baby is my priority. pastu ade extra vidot baru nak cari stuff for me. thought of getting new baju kurung and baju keja. n few dresses n kasut/sandals. hehe.. tapi takpela slowly ok.

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