Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, September 29, 2011

feelings i have inside

it's gud to have sumone to hear to ur things but sumtimes it's much more greater if u dont share it with anybody.coz that sumbody may dont really understand d situation. kadang2 rssa nak gi jln shopping sorang2 je. u know that's whati like. tp rsnye mcm mesti permission not granted. tgk la nnt camni. skrang mmg rs nk time on my own. even yesterday i mmg pressure sesangat. penat badan n penat otak. oh God, please help me to become stronger and stronger.

alhamdulillah ade machitom yg cute tu. lps sket rs tension tgk die. and talking bout him... can make me smile so big. he can now officially jln. yahoo!! action plak tu. sambil jln sambil ckp jerit2. guess he is excited to learn new things. hehehe... i'm really happy n proud for him. besar dh anak mummy. *love u dear*

til d next post. mummy is going to work.

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