Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Welcome december

aite.. i'm in the middle of december already and yet "welcome december" ahakss.. gediksnye.. biarlah.. well.. tggl lagi 15 hari je lagi before end of d year. pastu a new phase/era of life with more things to think n more things to go through and more things to come in. urrgghh.. bukan tension tapi nervous. semoga dianugerahkan kesihatan yang bagus dan berpanjangan untuk seisi keluarga.

chitom tgh sleep. td nk sleep mengamuk sbb nak pgg ball. i said no la of course. pastu last2 ok sbb daddy ckp die nye approach cam mummy. bagi kejap smp sleep then amik la balik ball tu. huhuhu..

daddy is working in the kitchen. carbonara katanye. tggu resultnye ye.. hehe..

k la mummy nak sambung mengupdate.. see ya later..

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