Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 30, 2012

zafran n daydeh at the beach

masa ni die lebey kurang 8 months to 9 months. baru nak kenal air laut. a bit takut kan muka die. hehehe.. chommel n geram je..

kitchen cabinet

hmm.. browsing n still browsing. which type of cabinet i want for my shima's little space. hehehe.. that's what i'll call 'em. kakakaka... few days ago after chitom dh recover sket we go n check out lampu for our house. alamak. budget dlm rm2500 la for the whole house. blom masuk kipas n air con and other furnishing lagi. hmm..hmm.. how how? i think kan better i stick to normal kitchen cabinet dulu la. nnt ade rezeki kat umah lain i wat yg mahal sket tu. at least i can save up rm3000 which i think i can use to furnish my house with other things. btol tak? nnt nk discuss ngan hubby la. die skang ade ttt. semlm kan die cam moody je bad mood. nak marah. takmo fren daydeh. fren ngan chitom je la.

nways having my lunch in the office. i tapau je. so that's y ade time nk blog sket2 and nk search sket2. lalala..

till then. sayonara.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


happy saturday! well, supposed to update my blog when i'm back from my hols tapi disebabkan bz, penat and recently bucuk mummy demam n diarrhea.. think to postpone la to a suitable time. alhamdulillah machitom mummy dh semakin sihat. dua hari mummy el. tak work. jaga bucuk mummy ni.panas die bole tahan tnggi jgk. dh 39. ade time tu i kena lalukan air kat kepala die. risau i. bagi ubat every 4 hours and monitor die minum bnyk mane. air putih kena bnyk. risau btol mummy. at the same time totot die ade ruam plak. lagi laa sakit. dh double sakit dh. tu dua2 kena pay extra attention.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Holiday at cherating

Arrived at cherating yesterday. Checked in at impiana. Now after breakfast n swimming session we're heading to dungun. Now stopping by at kemaman kjap. To be continue with my activity later.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Saya mc hari ni

My tummy like tak brape best. Uncomfortable. So td gi jumpa doctor n she said tummy i bnyk windzz. N then i dpt half day mc. Rest at home la. Td trying to inform husband tp die cam tak dgr. Xpela. Nnt die blk umah die tau la. Jafyan tgh shleep. Dlm buai. Td blk tgk die sleep alahai so cute anak mummy. Si chommel mummy. Geram je. Nk je rs gigit pipi yg like donut n apam tu. Hehehe.. Skang i br lps mkn lunch skali lagi. Baring smbil blog kjap. Td dh sapu vicks kat perut. Bagi panas perut tp syian baby nnt die pun panas.

Haishh.. Juz to share. These few days i punye mood mmg sgt tak stable. Bnyk rs nk sad n geram je. Tp i kan tgh pregnant. Not good for d baby. N i mcm ade sket rs tensionese. A lot of things. First my mum laa. Tp i kena redha. Doa je d best i can do. Plus i kena berfikiran positive. Nnt time confinement camne? Nk blk duk umah my mum but condition wont allowed. Juz go with the flow. Sumtimes ade rs kosong tp tak tau ape sbbnye. Maybe i blh lupakan feelings ntah pape yg menyemakkan my head ni. Hmmm.. Dh laa. Malas nk pklagi. I skang kena lebih bersyukur. Chitom sihat n wish baby dlm tummy pun sihat. :)

Oklah.. Nak take a nap. Till then. Chiow!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

mummy pening

pening psl widot la. apa lagi. widot n widot n widot n widot... hmm.. camne ni. duit bnyk nak pakai. especially part umah. wait talking bout umah have i update bout d house i n husband bought? hehehe... takpe.. we all bought a condo unit sumwhere nearby. and skang we all tgh nk mengfurnishkan umah itu. hari tu dh siap concrete top n grills. lps ni tgh pening nak setel kan kabinet plak. hati nk yg aluminium 3d design tu tapi kalo mahal sgt kena la tukar yg murah sket kan. yg penting ade kabinet. lalalala.. mmg la stress sket tapi of course happy jgk at the same time. takpe. insya allah ade jalannye kan.

i juz had my lunch. nasi ayam would do. tatau nak makan ape lagi. ingat nak makan tandoori n roti naan tp pk i nak makan nasi la. so d fastest n easiest method is nasi ayam la. hehehehe..

chitom semlm terjatuh plak kat umah wan. ape ntah yg die kejar kan tu smp luka sket tgn anak i sorang ni. haiisshh.. mlm td geram je mummy tgk die. asik nk mengaco je org tgh surf surf.

oklah. till then.. sayonara!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Apa laa...

Morning! Do not like this feelings seriously. Boring. Husband i tu mmg la camtu kalo bos die ade. Tension je i. Urrgghh malas la nk pk psl die. Biarkan die. Die confirm happy kat sane. Kjap lagi i nk blk shah alam. Rs dh lama tak blk. Tu pun sumtimes menyumbang stress kat mummy. Takpela biarkan itu semua. Yg penting i focus kat babies i. Zafran n alo. Zafran dh 1 year 6 mnths. Kjap je kan dh besar. Lagi 6 bulan 2 tahun. Nnt ingt besday die nk bg tiup lilin. Hari tu cam bnyk complication sian die tp takpe la. Yg penting die sihat, aktif, bijak n anak yg soleh. Alo skang dh 4 bulan . Tu pun kjap je. Lagi 5 bulan dh nk deliver dh i. Nervous la saye. Hehehehe...

Oklah nk gi bfast. Chiow!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Husband outstation

Yerp for a week. Sumtimes ade rs that he needs time n space on his own. So bile die outstation rasa bnyk sgt nk kurang communicate wiyh him. Let him be. He'll be fine. Friends pun ade. So insyaallah takde pape. Lets try for tomorow one day first kalo ok can carry on smp die balik n everytimr bile die outstation. Hmmm... Mummy ni.. Emo terlebih la plak. Biarlah.. Tak kaco sape2..wekk!!

Zafran skang tgh hisap susu kat seblh i. Die skang makin cerdik. Tu la jgn agar yg bukan2 kat die. And i always teringat my mum said shima, jangan abaikan zafran ni. Jaga die n ajar die betol2. Hmm.. K la . Td i dh type bnyk pStu hilang. Malasla..

Mummy emo. Hahahaha..

Monday, January 2, 2012

happy new year 2012!

happy new year 2012!

welcome new year 2012!

may this year brings more success n joyful stories..