Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 30, 2012

kitchen cabinet

hmm.. browsing n still browsing. which type of cabinet i want for my shima's little space. hehehe.. that's what i'll call 'em. kakakaka... few days ago after chitom dh recover sket we go n check out lampu for our house. alamak. budget dlm rm2500 la for the whole house. blom masuk kipas n air con and other furnishing lagi. hmm..hmm.. how how? i think kan better i stick to normal kitchen cabinet dulu la. nnt ade rezeki kat umah lain i wat yg mahal sket tu. at least i can save up rm3000 which i think i can use to furnish my house with other things. btol tak? nnt nk discuss ngan hubby la. die skang ade ttt. semlm kan die cam moody je bad mood. nak marah. takmo fren daydeh. fren ngan chitom je la.

nways having my lunch in the office. i tapau je. so that's y ade time nk blog sket2 and nk search sket2. lalala..

till then. sayonara.

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