Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, May 31, 2012

last day of May 2012

yerpp.. true 31st May 2012. here it is. lps ni dah masuk bulan june. i pun dh lama tak update blog. kat ofis dh takeh log in. kena block all blogs. kat umah husband outstation so takde chance nak online. my phone not compatible with the new look of blogger. haisshh.. takpela.. nway ni curi2 guna before gi keja. juz took my bath. hehhehe... btw, to share some info.. i dh 37 weeks. kalo ikut due date doctor bagi is 17 june 2012. tapi it can be anytime soon. sgt nervous! wish for all the best. good luck and insyaallah hoping sumenye ok..

Friday, May 4, 2012

mummy is in orange color today


sgt ceria color baju saya..


mood today ok sket. mlm td nangis plak tetiba time sleep. sayang chitom!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

chitom n shades

hahahaha... chomel tak saya mummy... :)

45 days to go

i dh masuk 32 weeks. lagi 45 days to go. lebey kurang sebulan je la. huhuhu... camne ni? bnyk benda yg i dok pk pk ni. risau la mummy.

last weekend weolls pg PD. at first cam tak nak pegi. rasa malas nak travel jauh2 lagi. and at the same time, chitom flu n ruam2. SIL suspect tu allergic. i pk ape benda dia makan? might be sumber kekacang dia kena stop la kot. husband i cam pressure n tension psl all of those things. haiishh.. sumtimes rasa ahhh.. biarlah.. simpan je sorang2 feelings yg i rasa ni. malas nak share ngan sape2.

another update.. --> bout my house. husband dh decide that we will rent that house sbb income tak ckup nak cover expenses. dgn nak send zafran sbb takde org tgk. tapi kan yang.. ni i ade jagk rs malas nak ckp kat u.. i mmg la nak stay at house sdiri. plus ada own privacy tapi like situation tak izin kan i. at the moment. i ade jgk a few times cry and tension psl ni semua.. tapi sbb pk baby in my tummy i tak jadi nak nangis. biarlah.. let d time come.. i juz kena bnyk sabar skarang.. nak story ngan mum pun takleh.. i juz feel like i'm stuck.. uurrgghh!! zafran help mummy!!

lagi satu bila i pk psl zafran n 2nd baby. i juz rasa i'm not being good mother to them lagi. hhmm... HOW? HOW? HOW?

happy may month

holla.. dah new month. hubby saya takde. outstation. so tggl la chitom, mummy n alo.. he'll be back this weekend. i rs sgt nervous when he's out for outstation. wish myself for the best.