Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, May 31, 2012

last day of May 2012

yerpp.. true 31st May 2012. here it is. lps ni dah masuk bulan june. i pun dh lama tak update blog. kat ofis dh takeh log in. kena block all blogs. kat umah husband outstation so takde chance nak online. my phone not compatible with the new look of blogger. haisshh.. takpela.. nway ni curi2 guna before gi keja. juz took my bath. hehhehe... btw, to share some info.. i dh 37 weeks. kalo ikut due date doctor bagi is 17 june 2012. tapi it can be anytime soon. sgt nervous! wish for all the best. good luck and insyaallah hoping sumenye ok..

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